At least three businesses and two homes were the target of searches in Rosario and the region

At least three businesses and two homes were the target of searches in Rosario and the region
At least three businesses and two homes were the target of searches in Rosario and the region

In the last few hours, at least five cases of crimes against property in the modality known as escruchethat is, of robberies in homes or businesses through forced entry when the residents are absent.

In the early morning, criminals violated the fence at the main entrance of a greengrocer located in San Juan at 3200 and took the cash register and items to be verified by the victim.

A similar bad experience was suffered by the owner of The Torteríaa business in France in the 1700s, where unknown persons forced the gate and broke the glass to enter the business.

in the lumberyard The Gauchito From Avenida de los Incas to 8100, in Ibarlucea, criminals made a hole in a wall and entered the warehouse. Thus, they appropriated about 80 thousand pesos and several appliances, sources in the case indicated.

Meanwhile, a resident of San Lorenzo at 7200, in the Belgrano neighborhood, reported that on Friday night criminals forced a fence, broke a glass and made their way into the house through the backyard. When the victim arrived, he found a great mess and noted the lack of money, jewelry and other items.

A neighbor from the Tiro Suizo neighborhood, in the south of the city, suffered the same situation. The 66-year-old woman who lives at 4700 Sarmiento reported that thugs forced the entrance gate to the home and took two televisions and a computer.


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