what can you do this Sunday in Tucumán

what can you do this Sunday in Tucumán
what can you do this Sunday in Tucumán

There are options for all tastes and ages.


They re-release the work “Condenser” at the Puerto Cultural Libertad

Today at 8 p.m., in Puerto Cultural Libertad (Las Piedras 1,850), the work “Condenser, tales in motion” will be re-released, a contemporary dance creation defined as a “movement karaoke that plays with the bizarre, the poetic and the playful. ; with stories of their own and other people’s experiences.” Luján Arroyo, Daniel Corres, Luciana Villafañe and Aráoz participate, in a performance that is supported by the National Fund for the Arts and the National Theater Institute.

Edgardo Cozarinsky: “What is feared and what is desired are part of what is lived”


Registrations close for the Fronteras Biennial Competition

Tomorrow the call to participate in the First International Artistic Photography Contest under the theme “Journeys of the soul” closes, which is part of the route to the Biennial Fronteras Foto Fest 2025. Until the 25th of this month, the jury will announce who was selected , who in turn will have one month to send their works for the exhibition that will take place at the Virla Cultural Center between August 1 and 18. There are two categories: Individual Image and Series or Photographic Story, with different cash prizes. For more information, visit the page www.fronterasfotofest.com.ar.

Last function

In the Alberdi the “Electra” billboard drops

The version that Ricardo Salim adapted and directs of the Greek classic “Electra”, based on the original text by Euripides, will say goodbye tonight at the Alberdi Theater (Crisóstomo Álvarez y Jujuy), at 9:30 p.m. In this performance, the cast of the University Theater Foundation is made up of twenty members to tell the tragic story of death and revenge, with a dramaturgical elaboration that carries the plot of the interior of Tucumán. Performing are Huerto Rojas Paz, Franco Ochi, Sergio de Filippo, Manina Aguirre, Indio Armanini, Rodrigo Palacios, Gonzalo Véliz, Ramiro Maturana, Sandra Virgolini, Romina Muñoz, Mili Muñoz Molina, Luciana de Filippo, María Laura Hernández, Patricia Cudugnello, Orly González , Mauricio Varela, Francisco Galarzo, Emiliano Murga, Sebastián Bulacio and Mariano de Filippo, with the design of choir movements carried out by Beatriz Lábatte; poetic texts by Norma Salim and musical composition by Gerardo Alderete.


Touring the rocks

Sunday lunches are ideally complemented with zambas and chacareras. From 11:30, at the Municipal Market of Tafí Viejo (San Martín and Uttinger) and with free admission there will be shows by Duo Tafí and Cantores del Alba Style; and in the same building, but in the Ernestina Salazar room, there is the exhibition of period objects and furniture “Escaparate”, a collection by Gustavo Rodríguez curated by Gabo Acosta. The capital’s clubs have an agenda for their diners from 1 p.m. At La Casa de Yamil (España 153) Gabriel Sánchez will perform with the humor of Willy Flores; in Lo de la Paliza (Laprida 181) Octavio Fucho will perform (with a repertoire that will include some tangos) and in Los Arrayanes (Sarmiento y Lavalle, Banda del Río Salí) Julio Pellegrini is announced as the central number, supported by René Rodríguez, Santiago Santos and Los Romanceros. There will also be folklore (and other rhythms) in the recital of Grupo Cantora, which will be at La Sodería (Juan Posse 1,141) from 1 p.m. with its proposal “Voices, songs and mandarins.”

Mercedes Sosa Theater

The medium Lorena Perelló says: “life goes on”

“Death is simply a transition; All we do is change planes. The force of love is so powerful that it transcends the limitations of the physical body and allows us to remain in a special connection. It is a gift from God,” says Lorena Perelló. The renowned medium presents her show Life continues today, at 8 p.m., at the Mercedes Sosa theater (San Martín 479). Perelló shares an illuminating perspective on life after death; She reveals how the bonds of love serve as channels through which deceased loved ones continue to help us, accompany us, and protect us. She is originally from La Pampa, she is based in Germany and her career is marked by experiences in educational institutions and several countries, through energy, mediumistic sessions and personalized talks.


“Mixed program” at the Rosita Ávila

The Ballet Fundación Contemporánea returns to the stage presenting “Programa Mixto”, with a first part dedicated to act two of the romantic work “Giselle”, with its classical aesthetics (with music by Adolphe Adam and choreography by Jules Perrot and Jean Coralli); followed by the premiere of “The Last Tango”, a piece choreographed by Yanina Llenes (director of the group) and María Aguilera, based on a selection of emblematic compositions from the 2×4. The performance will be at 7:30 p.m. at the Rosita Ávila municipal theater (Las Piedras 1,550). Lourdes Herrera, Yanina Micaela Llenes, Daniela Belén Alderete, Ana Paula Andrés, Pía Antonella Caferro, Ana Djivelekian, Paula Celeste Echagüe, María Victoria Colombres Garmendia, Lourdes Herrera, Kiara Liz Inesta, Colombina Issolio, Lourdes Manca, Mariana Rosa Ortiz, Sofía will participate Villarruel, Valeria María Laroz, Gerónimo Alarcón, Facundo Burgos and Alfredo Salomón.


Tribute to Serú Girán at the San Martín

The Tucumán band Luminería will pay tribute tonight, from 9 p.m. and at the San Martín theater, to the legendary Serú Girán, with a great orchestral formation made up of Abelardo García, Noelia Antelo, Esteban Martínez Mirabella, María José D’Mari, Rodrigo Rivadeneira , Estela García, Richard Paz, Magalí Arévalo, José Arcuri, Leti Sosa and Negro Burgo. “For Argentine music, Serú Girán meant the beginning of a new era, with protest songs very well camouflaged given the context in which the country found itself, songs of love and humor, always with a unique musicality,” Burgo said. who added that in the recital all the classics will be performed in their own versions. Another tribute will take place starting at 9:30 p.m. and with free entry at the Ireland Bar (Catamarca 380), where the D’Fasados ​​from Tucumán (Lucas Leal, Patricio Véliz, Matías Lagoria and Sergio Medina, with Julián Lagoria and Mateo Medina as guests) will cover emblematic songs by The Beatles.

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