They will march against the Bases Law, this Tuesday and Wednesday

The university teachers will continue with their claim due to the lack of response of the Government of Javier Milei. After last week’s 48-hour strike, they will carry out another one on Tuesday, June 11 and Wednesday, June 12.

The measure of force was called after a plenary session in which the general secretaries of the Teachers Federation participated of Universities (Fedun). Grassroots unions from across the country were also present at the meeting to analyze the continuity of the fight plan that the sector has been carrying out in recent weeks.

Víctor Curapil, general secretary of Cediuncoinformed this medium that: «The rest of the federations that are part of the university union front joined the strike, so it will have an impact at the national level, affecting both teachers and non-teachers, that is, all university workers. national universities.

«In principle, tomorrow Monday, We have a meeting with unions in the area where we will discuss the modality of the mobilization on Wednesday. “Tuesday’s strike will be without attendance at workplaces,” Curapil added.

«Whenever the strike in universities is called by all the unions, it usually has a high level of compliance, and we believe it will be a major strike because we are weeks away from finishing the semester. Then, what will happen with the start of the second semester will be discussed. Teachers’ salaries were out of date, losing more than 40 points of purchasing power,” concluded the secretary of Cediunco.

March of university teachers and the CTA on Wednesday

In this sense, They decided to announce a new cessation of activities for the beginning of the week incoming and organize a mobilization in front of the National Congress to express “the absolute rejection of the Bases Law and demand that the senators vote against it.” The march will take place on Wednesday starting at 9 a.m. and will be coupled with that of the CTA, which will gather for the same purpose.

Likewise, they resolved that on Thursday the 13th they will accompany the teachers from the National University of Las Madres to the Pizzurno Palace to demand payment of salaries owed and that they will convene a new Plenary of General Secretaries next Friday the 14th to share an evaluation and balance of the measures carried out.

After making the announcement, Daniel Ricci, the general secretary of the Fedun, declared: “More than a month has passed since the massive march in which all Argentinians expressed themselves in defense of the Public University and We still haven’t had any response from the government.«.

University teachers claim that they lost 60% of purchasing power

And he added: «In recent times our salaries continue to deteriorate month by month, We have already lost more than 60% of purchasing power in the face of inflation and we are not going to continue tolerating this deterioration and lack of respect. “That is why we called for this 48-hour strike and, if we do not have a response, we will deepen the fight plan and call for new force measures.”

The unions grouped in the Trade Union Front of National Universities They expected that on Thursday, June 6, the national government would make them a proposal that allows improving the salary situation of teachers and non-teachers. So far this year, university salaries have accumulated a loss of more than 40% of purchasing power, according to figures released by the Trade Union Front and by some institutions, including the UBA.

The promise of bringing a proposal for a solution to the salary claim was formulated by the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, in the university joint meeting last Tuesday, May 28, according to what was reported by the unions.

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