“What do you know about delivering food?”

The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, was very dissatisfied with the actions of Justice in the case opened for the distribution of food stored in the province of Tucumán and in the Buenos Aires suburbs, and assured that Judge Sebastián Casanello “He started working as a grocer”.

“It was a counteroffensive made by false social movements to dismantle the logic. Justice got in the middle to act as a storekeeper. What is this? “Justice decides how food is distributed in Argentina,” said the official about the raids on product collection warehouses.

In an interview with journalist Ignacio Ortelli for the program Si Pasa Pasa on Radio Rivadavia, he added: “Nobody explains to me what happened. “The Federal Police and the Gendarmerie had to carry out the raids and in each place there was no expired food.”.

«What Justice should do is Monitor whether what was purchased and what is there is correct. What does Justice know about how food is distributed? They made us leave urgently, one can make a mistake, screw up, be unfair. Get to an area and they can take a truck. Things are not done that way because Justice forces you“, development.

Likewise, in reference to the rulings of Judge Sebastián Casanello, the official stated: “What does the judge know, not to mention Justice, how food is distributed? The previous week, that judge ordered an investigation into a number of poverty managers who stole food, and That same judge came out the next day to say “distribute the food.”, foods that did not expire. “One of lime and one of sand.”

Why do I have to go out and distribute based on a judge’s criteria? and not because of public policy. What does the judge do? Do you play politics with food? I don’t understand. This is what we cannot accept,” Bullrich pointed out after Casanello ordered the Ministry of Human Capital to deliver a food distribution plan, supported by the Federal Chamber after the appeal of the portfolio led by Sandra Pettovello.

Furthermore, in a message to the Judiciary, the minister, who admitted to being “furious”denounced that “for 20 years it did not occur to them to file any case against these distorting gentlemen,” in reference to the social leaders, and questioned that just six months of libertarian management, Justice ordered the distribution of food. “No prosecutor stopped him so that they could tell the route of squeezing the poor,” he said.

“Now that they are all processed and investigated, the Cathedral appeared with a table of food, the judge asking them to distribute the food… it means that they all appeared to protect the managers from poverty,” he criticized and ironized: “Hunger appeared on December 10. “I’m furious because we shouldn’t follow up on that, we have to look at things with a little more distance.”

The warning to the protest against the Bases Law

Following the call promoted by the opposition against the Bases Law that will be discussed next Wednesday in the National Congress, Bullrich warned: “Don’t even think about throwing a stone or lifting a tile, because no, there are limits.”

Only the word is worth it, the stone is not worth it, the stick is not worth it, it is not worth trying to take over Congress.said in response to the call of the head of Truckers, Pablo Moyano, and stated: “We have forces prepared and ready to act if they attempt to use violence. There is no your aunt, I don’t even think about it.”

Bullrich supported the Milei government

In another passage of the interview, he highlighted that Javier Milei’s Government “is heading towards a successful exit”and The adopted model “has already been tested in different historical models in Argentina and was the only one that provided richness and results.”

For his part, Bullrich advanced: “We are going towards a country without a deficit, with a surplus and without inflation”, and targeted sectors of the opposition since “since this is the path, they attempt what they would call destabilization. But we are going to continue rowing with the oars we have, which is popular support.” “Some will not like this path of change because it affects their pockets”he concluded.

With information from Argentine News

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