The Río Negro Police prevented the usurpation of a property intended for social housing in El Bolsón

The Río Negro Police prevented the usurpation of a property intended for social housing in El Bolsón
The Río Negro Police prevented the usurpation of a property intended for social housing in El Bolsón

In El Bolsón, the Río Negro Police prevented the occupation of a property intended for the construction of social housing

Shortly after a group of 30 people unexpectedly entered a property intended for the construction of social housing in the central area of The Bagginsthe Rio Negro Police prevented the settlement of the usurpers and without using force achieved the eviction of the land.

The actions of the provincial institution were valued by the Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrichwho highlighted the result of the operation and assured that “we are changing the security paradigm in Argentina.”

The official distributed through the social network

A woman who works in that department was in charge of the operation and was in charge of telling the usurpers that she would proceed to arrest the members of the group who refused to leave the occupied site. “I ask you to leave the place or I will give the directive to the staff to proceed with the delay of people who do not want to leave,” she said. And she added: “We don’t need a job [de un juez]we are facing a red-handed crime and we can act without order,” the uniformed woman warned.

One of the usurpers responded that they would hold a meeting with the group to decide how they would act in the face of the police warning, but the woman rejected the motion. “No assembly”, he responded, curtly. “If you want to meet, do it but on public roads and not inside the property,” she said.

The incident occurred this Saturday at noon, a few blocks from the commercial center of the southern town. The protesters intended to settle on the property and build precarious housing, arguing that “it is impossible to rent or build” and the housing solutions “are insufficient.”

The General Commissioner Mary Carmen Carrizo Since December, the Río Negro Police, appointed by the governor, have been leading Alberto Weretilneck. Through his networks he congratulated the personnel who participated in the operation. “Security and attitude, values ​​that must endure in our actions,” she published.

The intervention of the local police, which was supported by nearby detachments and members of the Motorized Support Brigade (BMA)occurred when the victim filed a criminal complaint for usurpation.

“We acted quickly to prevent the group from establishing itself on the property and starting the construction of boxes, it is a flagrante delicto and this enables us to act immediately” they assured from the institution.

Within the framework of the same procedure and by order of the prosecutor Alvaro Verbori, Two men were detained, suspected of being responsible for the call. Given this presumption, the representative of the Public Prosecutor’s Office ordered the seizure of the cell phones, to be subjected to expert reports and determine their participation in the commission of the crime.

The scope of the eviction circulated quickly through social networks in the Patagonian province. In Bariloche, neighbors of Villa Mascardi They distributed it to contrast what happened on the federal properties of the area, with the emergence of Mapuche groups, in 2017.

In that case, they recalled, a group made up of an identical number of people entered two properties belonging to National Parks. “Not only that no one took them out at the time, but from there they advanced to other neighboring properties, public and private,” they recalled. They questioned the “passive” attitude at that time of the National Parks Administrationas owner of the land, who not only acted with contemplation towards the Mapuches who entered the land, but also “strengthened and supplied them for several years.”

“This is how you have to act, without giving in to those who act outside the rules. This would have prevented the advance of Mapuche groups to a number of lands that were illegally taken, not only in the province but in different places in the country,” said the residents of Villa Mascardi.

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