UNAB Obstetrics held a successful Respected Childbirth Fair 2024 – G5noticias

UNAB Obstetrics held a successful Respected Childbirth Fair 2024 – G5noticias
UNAB Obstetrics held a successful Respected Childbirth Fair 2024 – G5noticias

Precisely, the main objective of the activity was education and awareness in childbirth, along with the promotion of practices that ensure the dignity, autonomy and safety of women during this process.

In it, the third-year students of UNAB Obstetrics presented various relevant content in the dissemination of this important topic to the attendees, who were able to participate in a series of interactive activities and visit the different information stands, covering legal matters, relief techniques. of pain, importance of support during childbirth, relevance of physical contact between mother and baby, among others.

Active learning

One of the highlights of the event was the information material prepared by the students of the course, which included brochures, interactive games, infographics and detailed presentations on each of the issues addressed. This content not only demonstrated the students’ deep knowledge of the central topic, but also their ability to communicate effectively and educationally to a diverse audience.

UNAB Obstetrics teacher and organizer Yanira Madariaga highlighted the relevance of this type of initiatives in education. «It is vital that our future health professionals in the field of midwifery understand and promote respected childbirth, thus ensuring more humanized and woman-centered care»said.

In this sense, the Respected Childbirth Fair Not only did it provide valuable information, but it also strengthened the bond between the community and future health professionals, highlighting the importance of a respectful and empathetic approach to obstetric care. One of the hallmarks of the training is the connection with the Andrés Bello University environment.


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