Minister Bullrich in Salta will tour and make announcements for the border – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

Minister Bullrich in Salta will tour and make announcements for the border – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary
Minister Bullrich in Salta will tour and make announcements for the border – Nuevo Diario de Salta | The little diary

The Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich will tour the border areas today after numerous complaints from neighbors and requests for an increase in troops, which has been proposed as a way to reduce crimes linked to drug trafficking, in addition to being the gateway. of the drug.

This is shown by the continuous seizures that are mainly carried out by the Gendarmerie on the national routes that cross Salta and the neighboring provinces.

After that tour, the minister will offer a press conference at the hotel located at 300 Balcarce Street, scheduled for 2:30 p.m. The minister, who arrived in this capital yesterday afternoon, has scheduled meetings with authorities from the Ministry of Security headed by Marcelo Dominguezin addition to the troops who carry out their duties in this province, such as the major commander Ramon Ariel Pereyra who is in charge of the Salta Group of National Gendarmerie.

On the other hand, the meeting with the Salvador Mazza Chamber of Commerce that he presides has not been confirmed. Manuel Pievewho had already advanced in New dairy Bullrich’s visit to Salta.

As will be remembered, this is not the first time that the official arrives in the Frontera area; in the government of Mauricio Macri, When he held that same portfolio, he launched the radars and that was when the mobile scanners arrived, which over time became blurred in their use. It is to be hoped that it will now put technology and digitalization at the service of security.

On the other hand, he had already announced in Buenos Aires the need for work between the Nation and the Province to eradicate rapidly growing crimes. Domínguez, for his part, signed in Mendoza, days ago, the joint work in the National Security Council to plan and coordinate public actions and policies to enhance the fight against organized crime in all regions. The main axes of the approach were related to drug trafficking, border security, control of chemical precursors, inhibitors, etc.

New Gendarmerie squad

The director of Borders and Waterways and National Security Monitoring Centers, Virginia Cornejowill meet with Minister Patricia Bullrich this morning, and assured New dairy that “work is being done and what was dismantled in the previous administration will be recovered, especially with regard to Monitoring Centers, by virtue of the new technologies that are going to be added in the border areas.” Later he said that they are seeking to recover a border that was allowed to collapse due to lack of policies, “now we are seeing that this is changing, so much so that in JVGonzález a new Gendarmerie squad will be launched, increasing control of the routes 9, 34 and 16, where drugs arrive on clandestine flights, and leave via those routes,” he said.

It should be noted that the Province will provide the facilities and the Gendarmerie the troops. Regarding the demolition law, he maintained that “clandestine flights, to be controlled, do not need a law, work is being done to put into operation the planes that were received practically dismantled, and which are the ones needed to carry out the operations.” , of that type.” Cornejo also emphasized the need to look at what happens with the economies on the borders, which will be a way to end these crimes that harm families.

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