The Government eliminated requirements for grain exporters and other activities

The Government eliminated requirements for grain exporters and other activities
The Government eliminated requirements for grain exporters and other activities


He Secretary of Bioeconomy, Fernando Vilella, moved forward with a new deregulation of trade in agricultural products, repealing requirements that had been required to remain in the Single Registry of Agroindustrial Chain Operators (RUCA), a key system to function within the scope of the National Directorate of Agricultural Trade Control. Government It provided relief to grain exporters, among other activities. Last week this media announced that they were working on simplifications for agriculture.

On February 24, 2017, the then Ministry of Agribusiness, in the government of Mauricio Macri, created the Single Registry of Operators of the Agroindustrial Chain (RUCA) as a continuation with changes of the Single Registry of Operators of the Agrifood Chain. The resolution at that time, 21, established the requirements for registration and inspection to be met to market and/or industrialize products from the sector. This was done to facilitate inspection and, in addition, update categories. Then came some additions to the basic regulations and in 2022 the then government of Alberto Fernández added restrictive points, such as having to report details of bank accounts with which one operates and work plans for exports.

As this media learned, this is the first of several resolutions that will relaunch commercial inspection that, together with the tax inspection of AFIP and the health inspection of Senasa, will form a system that works. This is because for the Government until now everything was very tangled and without results, according to the internal analysis that was carried out.

Today, although he did not repeal all the regulations, Vilella, with resolution 32, focused on certain points that were mentioned in an annex. He based his measure on the president’s decree 70 Javier Milei which has, among other objectives, according to what he said, “to rebuild the economy through the immediate elimination of state barriers and restrictions that prevent its normal development, promoting greater insertion in world trade and also indicating the need to eliminate the registration of exporters and importers and facilitate foreign trade operations.”

Exporters will not have to provide details of their banking operations in the last six months to remain in the RUCAMINAGRI

Furthermore, Bioeconomía argued that to “facilitate operations and ensure their transparency, it is necessary to redesign the enrollment and registration processes of the different activities” that make up the RUCA. He also noted that they were proceeding to “avoid overlapping existing records” and simplify.

Strictly speaking, according to the Vilella resolution, regarding the section on grains, their products, by-products and derivatives, For exporters, the requirement that those interested in continuing in the registry must report details of the bank accounts with which they operate, their movements in the last six months and the financing lines granted by entities was repealed. The requirement, among others, of having to present the projected work plan for next year, with details of merchandise to be exported, volumes, suppliers and destinations, was also removed.

On the other hand, the requirement of having to provide the “latest certified accounting statement for legal entities and updated and certified statement of assets for individuals or partners and/or shareholders in the case of recently incorporated legal entities.” And, among other aspects, “proof of foreign currency income from the last year in the event of having carried out export operations” will no longer be necessary.

A demand was also made regarding the schedules for the work.Cézaro De Luca – EFE

In the previous regulations it was said that the participation of at least one grain classifier expert authorized and current in the RUCA was mandatory. “when a commercial transaction is carried out and/or delivery or receipt of grains and/or grain derivatives and the signature of the commercial documentation inherent to it, in order to guarantee the transparency of the commercial operation of grains in accordance with the regulations current.” This, according to the new rule, was removed.

Regarding livestock production in general, regarding feedlots it was said that those registered in Senasa automatically began to do so in RUCA. This has now been removed. Requirements were even removed for consignees of property, such as in the case of carrying out their activity in a premises using premises registered in the RUCA “Local Concentration of Meat”.

In addition, requirements regarding the details of the bank accounts with which one operates, the bank movements of the last six months and the work plan for the following year in case of exporting were eliminated.

On the other hand, requirements were drawn up for registrations such as sausage factories, importers and tannery and leather storage.

In this framework, today’s Bioeconomy resolution also repeals figures on the dairy market, such as raw milk pool, milk consignee, exporter and requirements similar to the other activities mentioned above, such as the presentation of the details of the bank account with which is operated, its movements and one-year work plan, with volumes, destinations and suppliers.

At the time, the wool, fruit and vegetable and sugar sectors had been incorporated into the RUCA, and in the Vilella resolution the entire chapter corresponding to each of these markets was repealed. The chapter on the herbal market was also repealed.

In addition to resolution 32, Vilella issued another, resolution 33, to meet the needs of the meat industry. Specifically, resolution 73 of 1991 of the former National Meat Board was repealed, which established slaughter hours in slaughter plants from Monday to Friday between 4 a.m. and 2 p.m.

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