Argentina conditions its support on an international agreement to manage future health emergencies

Argentina conditions its support on an international agreement to manage future health emergencies
Argentina conditions its support on an international agreement to manage future health emergencies


Argentina expressed itself against the proposal of the World Health Organization (WHO) to have a global agreement next year on preparation and response to a next pandemic with one condition: if its content “involves establishing norms” above the National Constitution or the sovereignty of the states. This was expressed by the two representatives who spoke on behalf of the Government during the 77th World Health Assemblyin Geneva, Switzerland.

Convened by the WHO at the end of May, the assembly brings together delegates from more than a hundred member countries every year, including Argentina. The two messages that President Javier Milei reposted today from his personal account on the X network referred to that meeting today. Two weeks ago, on behalf of the country, they stated, in order, Silvia Prieriat that time chief of staff of the Ministry of Health of the Nationand Carlos Foradori, Argentine ambassador to international organizations in Geneva. The same week, Health reported replacements of officials, among whom was Prieri.

“The Argentine Republic, as a member of the WHO and a state party to the International Health Regulations (IHR), fully supports the mission of the WHO as a governing and coordinating institutional authority with the purpose of achieving the highest level of health,” said Prieri. However, we express our concern about the IHR amendment process [de] 2005 and we appeal for this process to fully comply with the spirit and objective” of the article that defines that countries must receive any proposal for change at least four months in advance for analysis.

Silvia Prieri, former Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Health, during the presentation on May 28 at the third plenary meeting of the 77th World Health Assembly, in Geneva, SwitzerlandCourtesy WHO

Other delegates also pointed out this inconvenience that the organization would have incurred. The RSI is the instrument for making decisions on different health measures agreed upon by countries in the event of an international public health emergency. The WHO stated that it had transmitted the proposals to the countries 17 months earlier.

Regarding the Agreement on Pandemics, on which 196 countries had agreed to advance in December 2021, the official expressed: “This delegation would like to highlight at the 77th World Health Assembly that it expresses its non-support if this implies establishing standards above of our National Constitution as a free and sovereign nation.”

The agenda of topics discussed during those six days in Geneva included discussing progress since 2021 towards a treaty for action against future pandemics, in addition to analyzing modifications to the IHR by a working group. The proposed changes range from defining what is a pandemic emergency with sufficient risk potential to activate an international response and guaranteeing access to medical products and financing funds to countries to creating a special committee representative of the states to apply the IHR, with local authorities for internal coordination and with other countries.

The Argentine ambassador stated that the country “took note” of the resolution with these changes. “We regret that the amendments, which are broad and complex, were finalized on time,” Foradori said. “Our country will carry out its evaluation and decision-making as a sovereign country and member of the WHO.”

One of the two messages that President Javier Milei reposted from his personal account on the social network

Regarding the treaty to confront a crisis like Covid, he expressed that “Argentina reiterates its conviction that, if an international instrument on pandemics is implemented, it must take into account the sovereignty of the states to legislate and apply laws, within of its jurisdiction, to preserve the health of its citizens, in the manner it considers most appropriate, guaranteeing their independence and freedom.”

Meanwhile, the WHO reported at the end of the assembly that the countries agreed on a plan to complete the negotiations. “They decided to extend the mandate of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body, from December 2021, to complete the negotiating work within one year, for the World Health Assembly in 2025, or sooner, if possible, in a meeting extraordinary in 2024″, they clarified.

In response to the query of THE NATIONfrom the portfolio he directs Mario Russo This afternoon they ratified the Argentine position during the Geneva meeting. “From the Ministry of Health of the Nation, it was emphasized [en la asamblea de la OMS] that our country will not sign any pandemic agreement that could affect issues of national sovereignty and existing capabilities – they indicated -. In this sense, Argentina continued to work within the framework of multilateralism on strategic issues of importance in the national, regional and international public health agenda, such as the digitalization of the health system, the strengthening of supply chains, the fight against antimicrobial resistance, the promotion of health research and development, among others.”

One of the meetings at the Palais des Nations, in Geneva, Switzerland, during the 77th World Health AssemblyPierre Albouy

And they added: “That is why the Argentine Republic, as a member of the WHO and state party to the IHR (2005), fully supports the mission of the WHO as a governing and coordinating institutional authority with the purpose of achieving the highest level of health. . However, it became clear [con las exposiciones de los delegados] concern about the process of amending the health regulations and appealed that said process comply with the established prior consultation times and processes. “Our country will carry out its evaluation and make a decision as a sovereign country and member of the WHO.”

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