Claudia Sheinbaum and CEGAIP dialogue for transparency

Claudia Sheinbaum and CEGAIP dialogue for transparency
Claudia Sheinbaum and CEGAIP dialogue for transparency

In a letter addressed to the virtual president-elect of the United Mexican States, Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, the members of the plenary sessions of the organizations guaranteeing access to information and the protection of personal data in Mexico expressed their congratulations on her historic election as the first woman to occupy the Presidency of the Republic.

The signatories highlighted the relevance of the recent electoral contest, and also took advantage of the occasion to recognize the values ​​that Sheinbaum has defended throughout his career, such as respect for human rights, accountability, transparency government and honesty.

In the letter, the commissioners expressed their firm belief in the need to have solid and transparent institutions that are accountable to society and that contribute to the full exercise of rights, thus improving the living conditions of citizens.

They highlighted the importance of a dialogue broad and constructive that involves all sectors of society, pointing out that the transparency in the government’s actions, it must emanate from the citizens as an essential counterweight to guarantee an open and responsible state.

In this context, they requested an audience with the president-elect to discuss the progress and challenges regarding transparency, access to information and protection of personal data in Mexico. The commissioners expressed their desire that this meeting mark the beginning of a dialogue honest and productive, aimed at ensuring that the full exercise of fundamental rights is a tangible and permanent reality in the country.

The letter concludes with a reiteration of your commitment and willingness to collaborate with the next administration on these important issues.

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