The Police go out to capture loose animals to avoid accidents

The Police go out to capture loose animals to avoid accidents
The Police go out to capture loose animals to avoid accidents

Following the tragic accident involving a motorcyclist and resident of the Zonda department, occurred a few blocks from his house on June 5, and a loose animal (a horse), which crossed his path, when he was traveling along Route 12, between Maradona Alley and Las Moras Streetwhich ended up causing his death instantly.

From San Juan Police Headquartersnew security and prevention measures were implemented, 24 hours a day, to avoid the presence of loose animals on the streets, routes and roads of the province, in order to thwart any other traffic accidents to regret.

This police work has already begun to bear fruit, since it was launched this morning, where the presence of an animal (a horse) that was grazing loose in the vicinity was detected, Villa Tacú, from the Zonda department, so it is estimated that the animal must be from the area. Other animals were also seen without the presence of their owners, but they fled when attempts were made to catch them.

The work is carried out jointly between police personnel from Section 14, of this department, and members of the Ecological Police, in charge of the main officer, Silvia Balmaceda.

It should be noted that all animals that are captured in these procedures are transferred to a municipal corral until the owner of the animal can be located.

Subsequently, it is taken to the police headquarters where a violation report is issued for the presence of loose animals included in the article 170 of Law 941-R.


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