Axel Kicillof will meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican

Axel Kicillof will meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican
Axel Kicillof will meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican

On the other hand, they reiterated that the governor will be part of the mobilization against the Bases law in front of Congress.

“We call for Wednesday, together with mayors, social organizations and unions, to mobilize against the Bases Law, since there is not a single paragraph in that set of regulations that is under discussion in Congress that benefits the people of Buenos Aires,” they pointed out.

Last week, the Buenos Aires administration had anticipated that the Nation has a debt of $5.8 billion with the district and denounced a “deliberate and systematic plan of financial and economic asphyxiation” by La Libertad Avanza (LLA).

“Return the funds that correspond to the people of Buenos Aires to have better access to education and health,” they demanded.

Sileoni and the updating of the secondary academic regime.

The Buenos Aires Minister of Education, Alberto Sileonipointed out about the update of the secondary academic regime: “It was not approved by this minister, but rather it was approved by the General Council of Education, which is multi-party and where, after listening to the different positions a lot, it was approved unanimously.”

“We ratify a two-semester system and we return to the numerical grade per semester. Some believe that abolishing repetition is lowering the requirement, we believe that there are other ways and, in fact, half of the country has already left repetition, among them the City of Buenos Aires,” he asserted.

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Furthermore, he said: “The approved subject is not taken up again, it is attended in periods of intensification and the student does not do it alone.

We are convinced that there can be a path where they are demanded, but accompanied: more demands, accompanied. More State”.

“We are not thinking about an easier secondary school, we are thinking about a secondary school that is closer to the interests of kids, and more attractive (which does not mean more fun), that has art, sports, computer science and robotics” , he added.

Meanwhile, he commented: “We want a school that puts a stop to hate. In a society where hate speaks very loudly, we need a more humanistic school: that students can pay attention to the suffering of others is also a better secondary school.”

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