Is Monday, June 17, a holiday in Argentina?

Is Monday, June 17, a holiday in Argentina?
Is Monday, June 17, a holiday in Argentina?


This Monday June 17 inaugurates the week of holidays in Argentina which will only have two business days, since Thursday and Friday the 20th and 21st will also be business days. holiday.

The first day of this series of breaks is a historic date: June 17 is commemorated in the country Passage to Immortality Martin Miguel de Guemesa date that commemorates this hero Argentine of Salta origin on the day of his death. Although it is a transferable holidayas it fell on Monday the day of rest was fixed and coincides with the eventsince the military man and governor of his province for a good part of the War of Independence died June 17, 1821.

The monument to General Martín Miguel de Güemes, whose date of death is a national holiday Salta Tourism Secretariat

After this commemorative day, the week will continue with business days until reaching Thursday the 20th, when the Flag Day. This national holiday takes the date of the death of Manuel Belgrano, hero of independence and creator of the national flag. Unlike Pass to the Immortality of Güemesthis date is a immovable holiday of the calendar.

The next day rest follows, since the Government established that Friday the 21st will be a feriade bridgewhich makes up an extra-long holiday of four days until Sunday the 23rd. It is the second day of this type so far this year, after last Monday, April 1, and the day of October 11 remains in the future, after to the Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity. As established by current legislation, the Ministry of the Interior can only have three dates of this type per year.

Although the three days of rest correspond to different types of work –transferable, immovable and tourist bridges― everyone has the same legal status. This means that, as established by the Law employment contractIn all of them, rest is mandatory and those who call their employees to their jobs must pay them double the amount of a regular day.

Although the rest days of June are expected by many, once they pass others will remain holidays of this 2024:


After the week of three holidays in June, the next break will be Tuesday, July 9 Historical House of Independence Museum






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