Oil tankers and Neuquén business chambers united in defense of local activity

Oil tankers and Neuquén business chambers united in defense of local activity
Oil tankers and Neuquén business chambers united in defense of local activity

Given the drop in activity, the Neuquén business sector, the main employer of local labor, stated that there is a complex situation that goes beyond local legislation and puts sustainability at risk, as has already happened on other occasions. of the projects, the continuity of the workforce and the guarantees of service provision appropriate to current regulations.

Oil tankers on alert

The general secretary of Private Oil Companies, Marcelo Ruccimade an emphatic defense of the local productive network, “because They represent 70% of our members“.

“I think we need to work together on this, to highlight the interest we have in our workers having the possibility of work through local companies. We have to pull together so that we start finding solutionsbecause up to this point the provincial law for the Development of the Value Chain of the Neuquén Basin is more an expression of wish than anything else,” he stated.

“Limits must be imposed. We see that there are companies that come from Chubut or Mendoza, which have contracts that are transferred to this basin. It’s a shame what they’re doing. These are abuses that we do not have to allow and I believe that in this we also have, not only the position taken from the union or from the chambers, but I believe that it is also a position taken by the governor of our province,” he stressed.

Union of private oil workers of Río Negro Neuquén and La Pampa Business chambers FECENE (3).jpg

Work together

To its turn, Daniel Gonzalezsecretary of FECENE and president of ACIPAN, anticipated that the situation “tends to get worse.”

“Here we must give priority to the people of Neuquén, that is, the Neuquén employees and the Neuquén companies. The reality is that Vaca Muerta is a beacon that attracts a lot, companies are coming from all over and we want to give priority to what is Neuquén workforce and Neuquén SMEs and companies in general. That is an objective that is common to those of us who meet today, so we are going to work together,” he added.

Besides, Claudio Urceramember of the FECENE Board of Directors and president of CAPESPE, added that “it is necessary that there be people in politics who understand what is happening in the SME business sector and defend Neuquén companies.”

In defense of jobs

Finally, and in that same sense, Cristian Bergesemember of the board of directors of FECENE and president of CEIPA, assured “companies have to rise to the occasion and must begin to occupy spaces. That is why the good thing about these meetings is having put the issue of the Provincial Law for the Development of the Value Chain of the Neuquén Basin (Law 3,338) because if foreign companies do not come with contracts from abroad and that harms all SMEs.”

“Today there is a very critical situation, there are many SMEs that have collapsed and others that are in a regrettable situation and we do not know how much time is left. That is why I think it is time to act,” he said.

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