Encouraging figures: only 12 positive cases of influenza in the last week in Santa Cruz

Encouraging figures: only 12 positive cases of influenza in the last week in Santa Cruz
Encouraging figures: only 12 positive cases of influenza in the last week in Santa Cruz

The figures are encouraging: in the last week, only 12 positive cases of influenza in the department of Santa Cruz, according to the director of the Departmental Health Service (Headquarters), Jaime Bilbao.

According to the official, this notable decrease in infections is attributed both to the growing awareness of the population about the importance of vaccination.

“We are happy to see that parents are becoming aware and taking their children to get vaccinated, as are older people,” said Bilbao. In fact, they have been applied 144,000 doses of influenza vaccine to date, of the more than 530,000 that arrived more than a month ago.

The success also extends to other areas of vaccination. They have been applied 38,000 doses against human papillomavirus (HPV) and 95,000 doses against polio.

“We are reaching the educational units to vaccinate against these three scourges that have plagued over time,” said Bilbao.

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