“I do not agree with what the Deputies voted”

“I do not agree with what the Deputies voted”
“I do not agree with what the Deputies voted”

“I do not agree with what the Deputies voted”

The vice governor of the province of Santa Fe, Gisela Scaglia, spoke exclusively with Radio Miter Santa Fe after six months in power. The provincial official carried out a Pullaro management balance and he even differentiated himself from the governor with the modification of the retirement formula voted in the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation.

They were six intense months, with difficult things but with a very positive path for the Province. We were able to demonstrate that when the State takes control of the prison, commitment to education, the path becomes smoother and we feel proud to be Santa Fe residents. People recognize that, that we are everywhere and that we get into difficult issues.“Scaglia acknowledged about the balance of the months of management.

In that sense, he considered that “Up to this point we have demonstrated with Unidos that we are a front that is not electoral, but is a government front that is in harmony. The example of that was the Legislature, where laws promoted by the governor came out.”.

Asked about the upcoming debates that will take place in the provincial Legislature, the lieutenant governor assured that “Retirement reform is one of the difficult discussions that must take place and that many will probably not agree with. I think it is the only way because today a person who retires in Santa Fe knows that he is going to collect his retirement. But any person who starts working within the Province, a teacher, a doctor, I can assure you that he does not know if he is going to retire in 25 or 30 years.“.”We have to look at that, because the cash deficit is important. We have to look at the future because the way the cash is today, we cannot retire in the future.“, considered.

On the other hand, he opposed what was voted by the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation regarding the modification in the formula for retirees. “For me, the Chamber was very bad, at least the deputies who voted for the new retirement reform“. In that sense He differed from Maximiliano Pullaro: “I support what the PRO did and I agree with my party“.

It is a moment where we must have responsibility and see the enormous effort that Argentine society is making. If this law were approved it would throw all the effort overboard“, he claimed.

Gisela Scaglia – Radio Miter Santa Fe

Gisela Scaglia – Radio Miter Santa Fe

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