Gareca clarified the controversy with Chile for refusing Loyola and allowing Alexis Sánchez

Gareca clarified the controversy with Chile for refusing Loyola and allowing Alexis Sánchez
Gareca clarified the controversy with Chile for refusing Loyola and allowing Alexis Sánchez

In the run-up to the friendly duel against Paraguay, the Chile coach, Ricardo Garecaspoke at a press conference, where he announced an emergency call by summoning defender Benjamín Kuscevic due to the physical problems of Guillermo Maripán and Paulo Díaz.

“Now we cover ourselves for the match with Paraguay with Benjamín Kuscevic, since we do not have Maripán or Paulo Díaz. After the match we are going to analyze the real situation of everything. Anyone can leave or anyone can enter. It can be maintained, there may be another addition. Once you have a report from the medical department, we will proceed as quickly as possible within the deadline we have, more than 15 cannot be extended.“, expressed the” Tiger.

Besides, He referred to the controversy for denying Felipe Loyola permission to play with Huachipato against Gremio last Tuesday for the Copa Libertadoresin addition to permission for Alexis Sánchez to arrive later to concentrate.

“They are two different things. One finished the season. The other is playing championship and international tournaments. Then, the president called me. I spoke to him, he called me very respectfully. I explained what the situation was and I will explain it to you. Reports came that things were somewhat confusing for you. If I reach an agreement with the Federation at a certain time and I have a week of work prior to the FIFA date, which is what I had done in my entire previous process in Peru, where I had the possibility of having the players from the local environment One week before. If I have that option and the teams are in full competition, I would prioritize players playing in international tournaments. “If my FIFA date is a certain day for them to arrive, the selection is the absolute priority in every aspect.”said the DT.

Selection is an absolute priority. Although we don’t like strict things, in this case it is important because if there were some concession it would begin to open the doors for any type of concession to others. For us the most important thing is the selection. We understand the positions of all the clubs and respectfully if I have to clarify there are no problems, but the national team is above all.“he added.

About Alexishe remarked: “In the case of Alexis they are different things. We see the rest of the players as a recovery process. In his case, he was granted permission until the 6th. There was no type of concession. “We have no problem with any player arriving later.”



Gareca: ‘We are going to get to the Copa América well’

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