will start operating in autumn

Ouigo warms up engines so that your trains circulate through the South corridor High Speed ​​Train, Seville, Malaga, Córdoba and Madrid. The company, which is a ‘low cost’ Spanish subsidiary of the SNCF (French national railway company), will be the fourth operator in said corridor—the last one that is scheduled to join—. Will soon join RenfeAvlo (a low-cost company that belongs to the previous one) and Iryo, after completing the revolution that has lived this transportation model since 2023 in our land.

Specific, Ouigo official sources They have assured ABC this Monday that its start of operations in the three Andalusian capitals mentioned It is planned “in the fall”. This company has confirmed that it will start with the announced circulation structure: six daily frequencies (three round trips) Madrid-Seville and the same model per day on the itinerary between the country’s capital and Malaga; all with a stop in Córdoba.

This railway operator has indicated that «At the moment we cannot confirm the schedules». “We hope to be able to announce them very soon,” added the interlocutors consulted in the company of French origin.

«Trains never seen before in Spain»

Yes, they have highlighted that «We seek to make High Speed ​​affordable». For this reason, they continued, “we have some accessible prices for all budgetswhich start from the usual general fare of nine euros, with a fixed price of seven euros for children between four and thirteen years old, and free travel for children up to 3 years old if they travel in the arms of their parents.

Their “low prices,” they continued, are “the hallmark of our model”: “With us, a Passenger could make the Córdoba-Madrid round trip by 18 euros».

The French company has also explained that in Ouigo “We have some unique trains on the market” that They had “never seen each other before” in Spain. These interlocutors continued, it is about “TGV 2N2, which offers 509 places per trip distributed in eight cars at two heights, heaven and earth. This capacity, they have delved into from this railway firm, can “double up to 1,018 seats when traveling in multiple units.” [dos trenes unidos]being able to resort to this format at times of greatest demand and key dates.

All your trains They have “service café attended by its own staff and two kinds of seats, including the XL under availability; the most comfortable on the market», have ended from Ouigo.


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