Oiartzun: Igor San José is the winner of the Xanistebanak 2024 poster contest

Oiartzun: Igor San José is the winner of the Xanistebanak 2024 poster contest
Oiartzun: Igor San José is the winner of the Xanistebanak 2024 poster contest

Monday, June 10, 2024, 8:21 p.m.

The Oiartzun festival commission has already chosen the poster that will announce this year’s Xanistebanak festival. The current edition of this contest has received a total of 45 proposals for competition, eight more than last year. Among all those presented, the creation designed by the oiartzuarra Igor San José stood out.

This is reported by the City Council through a press release. In it, he points out that the jury has especially highlighted the level of the different works collected. In his record, he has distinguished different authors, all of them from Oiartzuarra, granting them different prizes.

In this way, the winner, Igor San Jose Izagirre, will take home 600 euros. The versatile Eneko Salaberria Gonzalez will receive another 300 euros. This money was destined for the best poster made by a resident of Oiartzun. Given that the chosen poster has been made by a resident of the town, these 300 euros are for the second highest valued local proposal.

Two second prizes worth 50 euros are also contemplated for Udane Ansa Iragorri and Irati Iparragirre Villar. Finally, the prize offered by Ehuntze Sormen Espazioa goes to Maren Aginaga Bote.

The awards ceremony will take place on August 1. In addition, all the works will be exposed to the public throughout the patron saint festivities of Oiartzun so that whoever wishes to do so has the opportunity to contemplate them.

On the other hand, the City Council has reported through the same press release that the Artaso Association will have the honor of lighting the first rocket to be launched on August 2 to mark the official start of the celebrations.

This association will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of its foundation throughout 2024. The members of the Xanistebanak festival commission wanted to thank in this way the work carried out both in these celebrations and in those held in the Karrika neighborhood and at other times of the year, as well as in other events.

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