Tremors increased in the Nevado del Huila volcano: measures and what is coming

Tremors increased in the Nevado del Huila volcano: measures and what is coming
Tremors increased in the Nevado del Huila volcano: measures and what is coming

During the last few days, the Colombian Geological Service has informed the national population about a considerable increase in the seismic activity of the Nevado del Huila volcano. According to the entity, the increase in tremors is related to an increase in the flow of the Páez River.

Last Saturday, June 8, the SGC, through an extraordinary bulletin, reported that after the seismic increases inside the volcano associated with a flood in the Páez River, In the sectors of Yusayú and Tóez (municipality of Páez, in the department of Cauca), increases in the flow of the river with an appreciable mud content have been reported..

“The origin of this river flood is still uncertain, but it could be due to possible mass movements in areas close to the volcano or to volcano activitywhich remains to be confirmed once we have access to visual records,” said the Colombian Geological Service.

Measurements and what is coming now for the Nevado del Huila volcano

According to what was stated by the SGC, the alert status of the volcano remains yellow, a measurement that means that the volcano may present changes in the behavior of the base level of the monitored parameters and other manifestations.

In addition, the entity recommends to the residents of the areas surrounding the Páez riverbed, Be attentive to the behavior of the flow and level of the river, as well as follow the recommendations issued by local authorities and the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD).

The Colombian Geological Service will continue to monitor the evolution of the volcanic phenomenon and will inform in a timely manner about any changes that may occur.“, stated the SGC in its most recent extraordinary bulletin.

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