The prosecutor is a corrupt woman who pretended to be a vedetonga

The prosecutor is a corrupt woman who pretended to be a vedetonga
The prosecutor is a corrupt woman who pretended to be a vedetonga

Leonardo Cositorto, leader of Generation Zoespoke from prison bower in an exclusive interview with C5N, where rejected the accusations of fraud and fraud against him.

Furthermore, he accused the prosecutor Juliana Companys of being corrupt and generating a “lie” to harm him. Cositorto was arrested in the Dominican Republic in April 2022 for alleged crimes of fraud and illicit association. related to your company, Generation Zoeunder investigation by the justice of Córdoba and Buenos Aires for an alleged Ponzi scheme.

Leonardo Cositorto accused prosecutor Juliana Companys

Cositorto He stated that the complaint against him was generated by the Fiscal Companys in Villa Maríaeven though his company did not operate in that city.

In that sense, he criticized the international raids and arrests they suffered, as well as the blocking of their bank accounts, which affected their businesses.

The businessman denied having been a fugitive and assured that he surrendered voluntarily, refuting accusations of illegally leaving the country. He also questioned the number of complaints against him, alleging that the company had been regularly paying its investors.

Cositorto solicitous be placed under house arrest or with an electronic ankle braceletbut He will remain in prison at least until May 2025.

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