Alarming figures of cases of animal abuse: more than 8 thousand complaints in recent years

Alarming figures of cases of animal abuse: more than 8 thousand complaints in recent years
Alarming figures of cases of animal abuse: more than 8 thousand complaints in recent years

In Colombia it is increasingly common to see families with pets considered another member of the household, which is why more businesses dedicated to them have also been created, such as veterinarians, clinics, schools, hotels, spas, among others. However, Alarming figures of animal abuse are worrying citizens. Seventh day
found cases of pet aggression and looked for those who should respond for these publicly reported events. What did they say about it? Is there medical negligence or abuse?

>>>How and where to report a case of animal abuse in Colombia? Take note

Some of the complaints are filed for different types of abuse such as: abandonment, sexual abuse, neglect, overexploitation, physical and emotional abuse. One of the cases was that of Camilo Jaramillo, a 32-year-old mechanical engineer from La Paz who, since becoming independent in the city of Bogotá, shared his life with Kiara, his Bernese Mountain dog. He was aware that he could not be with Kiara 24 hours a day, so he decided to put her in a school via La Calera. After two years of being in that place, one day he was notified of his disappearance.

“She did not disappear on her own,” said Jaramillo, who today is not convinced by the version presented by the school about Kiara’s disappearance. “The procedure was assigned to the La Calera Prosecutor’s Office, they summoned both of us (him and the owner of the dog school) and that’s where the process ended. There is no one to regulate those schools, there is no one to regulate the disappearance of an animal, so not much could be done”he mentioned.

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Another case presented was the death of Lulú, a cat who was taken to an animal spa center in Soacha, Cundinamarca, and after the procedure was delivered to her owners lifeless, according to them, because she had gone into cardiac arrest. Santiago Reyes, Lulú’s cat dad, asked the establishment to check the cameras to find out what had really happened to his cat.

“That was not a cardiac arrest, it was a murder,” Reyes assured, after watching the videos where It was seen that the specialist, Rocky José Mujica, repeatedly hit Lulú and that after the events he fled the scene, Now there is no trace of his whereabouts.

>>>Atrocious case of animal abuse: subject killed his dog and dismembered it

In recent years, the Prosecutor’s Office has received more than 8 thousand complaints of animal abuse in different cities across the country. “If we limit ourselves to 2023, 1,002 cases were reported, d“e of which only 63 ended in an effective conviction, around 7%, an extremely low figure,” indicated Camilo Machado, Bucaramanga councilor who defends animal rights.

The senator and animal activists, Andrea Padilla, proposed the Kiara Law, in honor of Camilo Jaramillo’s dog. “That there is a sanction framework that basically establishes, the temporary suspension of the activity, the sealing of the establishment or the definitive suspension of the permit to operate”, Padilla assured. At the end of last May, the second debate of this project was approved, which could very soon become a reality.

>>>Terrible case of animal abuse: woman hits a dog that had just given birth with a stick

For now, their owners hope that justice will soon be done for the cases of medical negligence and animal abuse against their pets because they know that no other will be able to take away their pain.

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