The Pablo Cabrera National School has a defibrillator

The Pablo Cabrera National School has a defibrillator
The Pablo Cabrera National School has a defibrillator

A group of alumni of the Monseñor Pablo Cabrera National School who are celebrating their golden and silver anniversary as graduates of that institution, decided to have an extremely altruistic gesture, and donated a defibrillator to the educational establishment. In addition, they were responsible for providing training for the entire educational community on the use of the device and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) maneuvers.

In dialogue with HUARPE DIARYthe doctor and graduate of this school, Armando Rosales, explained that the former students from the classes of 1974 and 1999 joined forces and gave an automatic external defibrillator to the institution, in gratitude for the training they received there.

As Rosales explained, this donation consists of “giving the school the feasibility of being a cardio-protected school,” being the only public school in the province to have this device.

“The importance lies in the fact that any of us, regardless of our age, can suffer at any time what is called sudden death, that is, cardiac arrest, which is fundamentally due to a cardiological or cardiovascular problem, leading, for example , in a myocardial infarction,” he emphasized.

In this sense, he indicated that having this equipment available and having people trained to use it in the educational community can make a difference in an emergency situation, and even save lives.

In addition, he explained that the projection carried out within the framework of the donation establishes that the trainings be provided to specific groups. That is why student leaders, all the preceptors and a group of teachers were designated to receive the knowledge. As for the teachers, they focused mainly on Physical Education teachers, understanding that in the teaching of that subject there are greater risks that may represent the need to use the device in question.


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