San Juan, the province with the lowest growth in internet access in the country

Recent data from Internet access published this week by Indec (National Institute of Statistics and Censuses) and that correspond to the first quarter of 2024 provide some interesting aspects.

The study indicates that in Argentina internet access grew on average 2.9% in the first three months of the year compared to the same period in 2023, however San Juan gave the grade and was at the bottom of the table in that national ranking .

This total is divided into two large categories: fixed connections and mobile accesses, and in both cases the growth was almost similar. Thus, fixed accesses in the first quarter of the year had an average increase of 2.6% compared to 2023 and are equivalent to 8,172,710 connections. The mobile internet, compared to the first quarter of 2023, grew 2.5% and reached an average of 37,931,302 accesses.


In March 2024, compared to the same month in 2023, Salta registered a total growth of 5.4% and Formosa 5.1%, almost double the country’s average of 2.9%.

Much of this increase is due to an increase in the numbers of its mobile internet connections. While throughout the country in March 2024 an average increase of 3% was recorded compared to March 2023, the year-on-year growth in Salta was 5.8%, followed by Corrientes and Formosa, both with 5.0%.

Although everything shows growth, some provinces register declines. For example, San Juan had a reduction in mobile connections of 0.2% in March 2024, and although it had a 9.7% increase in its fixed accesses, its final average left it at 1% and it is ranked as the province with the lowest growth in total accesses to the internet in the country. They are followed by Tierra del Fuego (1.1%) and Chubut (1.6%).

Although there is almost one mobile connection per person in the entire country, fixed internet at home remains strong after its meteoric growth during the pandemic. The reason is not only that many continue to work connected from home but it is also driven by entertainment consumption and the need to save data.

Although on average a mobile data plan costs the same as a home one, consumption and use are not the same.

The internet connection on the cell phone has a limit that we constantly monitor, while at home we use it without focusing on the size but on the speed.

Although Indec takes data on internet access from 123 service providers, almost 100% of connections, whether fixed or mobile, were provided by a few companies.

Specifically, in March 2024, 97.7% of residential accesses, which include fixed and mobile connections, were provided by companies that have more than 1,000,000 accesses. Of the rest, 1.3% corresponded to companies that provide between 30,000 and 1,000,000 accesses and 1.0% was distributed among companies that provide less than 30,000 accesses.

In the case of services provided to organizations, the concentration is similar. 97.8% were provided by companies that have more than 1,000,000 accesses, while 1.0% corresponded to companies that provide between 30,000 and 1,000,000 accesses. The remaining 1.1% of organization accesses were distributed among companies that provide less than 30,000.

Source: Los Andes / Indec

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