Music teacher accused of abuse acquitted

Finally, the Justice gave the right to the music teacher from San Juan, identified as Leandro Lopezwho came to trial after being reported for abusing a 5-year-old student, in at least four acts of a purely sexual nature, of which he had gotten away with three.

The fourth accusation against Lopez lHe went to trial for simple sexual abuse, aggravated by being in charge of the custody, as the author, he was acquitted this Monday by the judge Gloria Veronica Chicónbecause he understood that there was not enough evidence to convict him.

Prosecutor Ingrid Schott tried to convince the judge Chicon to sentence López to 5 years of effective prison, while the defense lawyers, Sandra Leveque and Joaquín Moine, the absolution. Finally, Judge Gloria Verónica Chicón decided to acquit him.

It should be noted that during the investigation the girl was interviewed and actually made reference to an alleged kiss on the mouth by the teacher. However, the result of the psychological expertise showed that the alleged victim “does not show indicators compatible with a traumatic experience of a sexual nature.

Or what the girl meant as such”, but clarifies that “taking into account her age, the diagnosis is not a closed, definitive conclusion.”


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