SRT workers mobilize the UNC Superior Council

SRT workers mobilize the UNC Superior Council
SRT workers mobilize the UNC Superior Council

This Tuesday at 3:00 p.m., the workers of the Radio and Television Services of the study house will present their claim for their jobs to be heard. Given the emptying and possible closure, they indicated that the rector “John Boretto and company made the political decision to empty the multimedia.”

Photo Enfant Terrible.

On Tuesday at 3 p.m., SRT workers They mobilize the Superior Council of the UNC to file a claim against the emptying and possible closure of the multimedia.

They remember that since the highest body of the house of studies, in February, a resolution to adjust the SRT multimedia was voted.

“Since then the crisis has only worsened and our situation as workers is one of deep anguish because we are not guaranteed our job continuity or the payment of our next salaries. The induced retirement and early retirement plans were carried out and the plant was almost reduced. 30%. Even so, the university government decided to unilaterally initiate a crisis preventive procedure“they indicated in a statement.

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They recalled that thanks to the mobilization of the Federal University March, it was possible to direct the debate towards a recomposition of 270% of the budget for operating expenses in the universities. “This time we have to resist the adjustment imposed by the rector Jhon Boretto, the company’s board of directors and UNC authorities,” they noted.

In turn, the workers concluded: “if an increase in operating expenses in universities is being considered, advancing the cut in SRT makes it clear that Boretto and co. They made the political decision to empty the university multimedia, essential to guarantee the plurality of voices and strengthen the democratic functioning of our province and our country“.

In this note: SRT, workers


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