Otaola expresses concern about new president of Mexico

Otaola expresses concern about new president of Mexico
Otaola expresses concern about new president of Mexico

The Cuban presenter Alex Otaola expressed his concern about the victory of the new president of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, for allegedly being a follower of the Castro dictatorship, just as Andrés Manuel López Obrador is.

The Cuban influencer recalled that the president-elect in Mexico belongs to the Morena party, the same party as the outgoing president, López Obrador.

“It represents continuity,” considered Otaola in his show Hello! Ota-Ola.

In that sense, the presenter revealed that Claudia Sheinbaum’s grandfather was a member of the Communist Party in Cuba in the 1930s and 1940s and was expelled from Cuba for trying to bring Russian communism to the island.

“Today the granddaughter, wonderful, and communist, well, she is the new president of Mexico and a pattern is repeated, which is what I said in the 2020 elections in the United States, if the US normalizes the irregularities, imagine what will happen to happen in the world later,” he pointed out.

Likewise, the Cuban influencer showed the complaints from Mexicans abroad who claimed that they were not able to vote in the last presidential elections.

“These are the things that happen when communists and socialists are in power,” he added.

Otaola He also showed the response that the president of Mexico gave to the congratulations of the Cuban dictator, Miguel Díaz-Canel, while considering that if communist measures begin to be applied with the new government, “the supply book will arrive very soon” to that country.

Likewise, the influencer questioned that Mexican television clouded posters with communist symbols that were being displayed on the streets in Mexico after the triumph of the leftist president.

“I imagine that Mexican television, which did this, did it so that Latin American ignorance continues to grow, and you don’t know how to uncover from the first minute that the lady is coming to turn Mexico into a poorer and increasingly corrupt country.” , that is what is going to happen, at any moment Mexican friends who see, the supply book arrives to Mexico, one taco per person”said the Cuban influencer.

Finally, the presenter posted a video showing the Mexican politician confusing the word “transformation” with “corruption” during a campaign rally.

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