This is how they are scamming residents and visitors of Bucaramanga with the game of ‘la bolita’

This is how they are scamming residents and visitors of Bucaramanga with the game of ‘la bolita’
This is how they are scamming residents and visitors of Bucaramanga with the game of ‘la bolita’

Gambling is actually a scam strategy used to steal money – credit Mayor of Bucaramanga

Although the traditional game of ‘la bolita’ does not turn out to be new in the capital of Santander, in the last few hours the Metropolitan Police of Bucaramanga (Mebuc) warned about the presence of gangs that use the attractive game to deceive passersby in the streets of the center Bucaramanga.

In fact, according to official information from researchers, andThese groups have been detected operating mainly on Carrera 15 and Calle 35, under the pedestrian bridge in the area.which is already beginning to generate concern among local authorities.

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And the police institution reported that this activity, which apparently was a simple Gambling is actually a scam strategy used to steal money from unsuspecting they provided details of how criminal gangs operate to prevent it from happening to you.

The ‘ball game’ is a trap where the band members pose as ordinary citizens who win the gamegenerating a false sense of security among viewers.

The Bucaramanga Police arrested six individuals involved in the scam associated with the game known as ‘Where is the ball’ – credit Bucaramanga Transit Directorate/Reference image

However, the agility of criminals consists of moving the covers quickly, while another of the members manages to distract the unsuspecting bettor for a few moments to “disappear” the ball from the table and thus achieve his goal: rob the Bumangueses.

In addition, this type of robbery would also have an entire structure developed within the gang, since they are organized into different roles, including those who manage the game, those who motivate people to participate, and the lookouts who report if they detect the presence of the Police.

For its part, for the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Police it is crucial that citizens avoid any type of interaction with people who promote this game, in addition to recommending that any suspicious situation be reported to local authorities to prevent more cases of scams in the city.

In fact, the authorities have already given results due to this practice. One month ago, The Bucaramanga Police arrested six individuals involved in the scam associated with the game known as ‘Where is the ball’, In the city center. The arrests were possible thanks to the complaint of a victim who had lost money and belongings due to this type of deception.

The authorities have already managed to dismantle a gang of fraudsters that stole from their victims through the game of bolita – credit Bucaramanga Metropolitan Police

The victim, a woman whose identity was not revealed, was at the scene when she observed a group of people participating in what appeared to be a harmless game. As she approached, she was approached by several people who encouraged her to bet money.

“I saw these people with a box that made me curious, because they also counted money. Then I approached this place and a well-dressed person, with one of those old hats, approached me, then more people approached me, started pushing me and telling me to bet“said the affected woman.

Pressured by the group, the woman handed over 100,000 pesos, which she quickly lost. During the confusion, her cell phone, valued at one million pesos, was also stolen. Fortunately, Police Sijín agents who were patrolling the area reacted to the victim’s call for help and managed to arrest the six scammers..

The detainees, whose ages range between 33 and 64, were placed at the disposal of the Prosecutor’s Office to face charges related to fraud and theft. Both the money and the victim’s cell phone were recovered, thus minimizing the losses suffered by the victim.

This type of scam, although old, continues to be a common tool for scammers in central areas with a high influx of people, according to police reports, which is why they continue to carry out intelligence work to put an end to these fraudulent games.

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