Judge rejected developer visit to prisoner who said he had a contract with Meta – Rosario News

Judge rejected developer visit to prisoner who said he had a contract with Meta – Rosario News
Judge rejected developer visit to prisoner who said he had a contract with Meta – Rosario News

The Justice of Rosario rejected that a web developer can visit the Piñero prison to the prisoner who asked for work trips to his mother’s house with the argument of having obtained a pre-contract for 300 thousand dollars with Meta (Facebook) to implement an app.

The decision was made by the criminal judge Rafael Coria, who ratified a line from the Penitentiary Service. It falls on the web developer MT, who had been registered as a visitor in Unit Nº11 by Angel Ochoa.

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Judge Coria, specialized in Criminal Execution, based his rejection “on the grounds that He was punished on December 20 for possession of two cell phones“, a sanction that was confirmed on April 18. The conduct rating dropped 3 degrees, from exemplary to regular, “which implies a significant setback in the progressive regime of the execution of the sentence imposed,” interpreted the judge.

Thus, the magistrate endorsed “the refusal of the administrative authority” (the Penitentiary Service), over whom he recognized his powers by rejecting that there was “arbitrariness”, as Ochoa’s defense proposed.

The judge’s rejection and the warning about the decline in behavior coincides with that of the Ministry of Security of the province of Santa Fe, where they indicated that “There is no evidence” that Ochoa has obtained a million-dollar pre-contract with Meta based on his computer knowledge. On the contrary, Lucia Masneri identified him as “a person who is the leader of an illicit association” and who “wants to falsify the law.” Justice must still decide whether or not to grant him the requested job opportunities.

Criminal Execution, topic of specialists

While in Santa Fe the Legislature approved, at the request of the provincial Government, a new Criminal Execution Law and a contest is underway to form the Chamber, it was confirmed that the next Annual Meeting of Criminal Execution Justice (it will be the XIX) will take place on September 19 and 20 in the city of Rosario.

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It is organized by the Argentine Association of Criminal Execution Justice, of which Judge Rafael Coria himself is a founding member.

The current judge began as an intern in the Criminal Enforcement Internship System of the Rosario Bar Association, of which he was later coordinator. He later served as technical assistant to the Secretariat of Penitentiary Affairs; provincial director of Institutional Relations; prosecutor of the Special Unit for Intentional Homicide of the MPA and since 2018 a criminal judge of First Instance.

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