Canteens: “We do not understand how a food emergency has not yet been declared in Corrientes”

Canteens: “We do not understand how a food emergency has not yet been declared in Corrientes”
Canteens: “We do not understand how a food emergency has not yet been declared in Corrientes”

Social organizations from Corrientes Capital requested this Monday from Conin, in a solidarity day, the distribution of food sent by the Nation. They point out that what was sent would be intended only for those who attend this community space. “We do not understand how a food emergency has not yet been declared,” said Fátima Acosta, head of the “El Hormiguero” dining room of Corrientes of the Movement of Excluded Workers (MTE), in Hoja de Ruta.

The organization has at least 15 canteens in Corrientes Capital, which are registered in the National Registry of Community Canteens and Picnic Areas (Renacom). In addition, another 3 in towns in the interior of the province, according to what they say.

This Monday, the representatives of these spaces held a community day in front of the Conin headquarters in Corrientes Capital. “We ask that you show solidarity and that we be able to access part of the food sent by the Nation because we understand that social organizations in general have more people attending and we need containment,” Augusto Frías told El Litoral.

In Hoja de Ruta, Fátima Acosta, commented on the situation that the dining rooms in her social space are going through.

“Last year we worked with more than 15 locations and in more than 30 neighborhoods. But due to the fact that not all the spaces could be sustained, today there are fewer. Those that remain are spaces that are self-managed by our colleagues and by the neighbors themselves. of the neighborhoods,” he commented.

Acosta clarified that they have help from the Ministry of Social Development of Corrientes but in this emergency situation it is not enough. “They help us with monthly modules and we try to distribute those modules equitably among all the functioning soup kitchens. But it is not enough to sustain a pot that works three times a week in one month,” he said.

“The reality we live in is very sad. Many people changed their children’s schools so that they go to one where they provide food so that they can have a plate of food on the table. And they are people who before did not go to our schools. spaces and today they are going,” he said.

“We still do not understand how a food emergency was not declared in our province. Everything that is happening is very invisible. If it were not for the complaint that was filed that they were retaining merchandise, I believe that this reality would never have been made visible. “, hill.

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