Demonstration against the dismissals of the Secretary of Women, Gender and Diversity of Santa Fe

Demonstration against the dismissals of the Secretary of Women, Gender and Diversity of Santa Fe
Demonstration against the dismissals of the Secretary of Women, Gender and Diversity of Santa Fe

The rally took place this Monday in the vicinity of Corrientes at 2800, in front of the organization’s headquarters in the provincial capital. In dialogue with AIR, Facundo Santosan agency worker, provided details about the situation they are going through.

“There are 42 colleagues who may be laid off, was the opinion issued by the Review Commission of the transfers to the plant. We are colleagues who have been performing functions, who signed our takeover, who handed in our medical files and who We see the need to defend, also denouncing the emptying of public policies towards women and people from the LGBT community,” he indicated.

And he added: “We do not want the Secretariat that prevents situations of abuse, discrimination, that provides legal advice to victims of gender violence to be emptied and it would be a historic setback in a province that was a pioneer in these policies.”

The official response of the Government of Santa Fe

From the Ministry of Human Development of Santa Fe – the organization that is in charge of the Secretariat of Women, Gender and Diversity – they indicated to AIR that these are cases that had been reviewed in a timely manner. “What was removed were those transfers to the plant that did not comply with current regulations,” they explained.

He opinion No. 25 of the review committee of the passes to permanent plant of the provincial State determined that the people who became employees of the formerMinistry of Equality, Gender and Sexual Diversity -included in the decree No. 2236/23- This benefit does not correspond to them. These are 45 workers from the cities of Santa Fe and rosary beads which became a permanent plant in September 2023.

According to the review commission, the intention was to include in the transfer to the plant people who were part of the Plan for the Promotion of Rights and Empowerment of Women and the LGTBIQ+ Population.

The Resolution 079/2020 indicates that, for its implementation, the provision of scholarships for the promotion of rights is planned, consisting of a non-remunerative economic contribution so that the people reached can propose and execute various actions to promote the rights of women and personal LGTBIQ+, as well as in the development of research work on public policies on the subject.

“It is evident that the relationship established with the beneficiaries of the program lacks all the necessary elements of a verifiable employment relationship with the province of Santa Fe. Furthermore, there is no record of contracts with the agents that were appointed,” states the opinion of the commission and adds: “In this case we are dealing with people who did not have any type of employment relationship with the province.” In this regard, it specifies that the allowances paid as scholarships are not considered remuneration.

The document bears the signature of the state prosecutor, Sunday Rondinathe general trustee, Laura Carolina Castetsthe Secretary of Human Resources of the Ministry of Economy, Malena Azariothe Undersecretary of Human Resources of the Ministry of Economy, Horacio Coutaz and the legal and technical secretary of the Ministry of Government, Julia Tonero.

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