More changes in the Government: the Director of the National Road Safety Agency resigned

More changes in the Government: the Director of the National Road Safety Agency resigned
More changes in the Government: the Director of the National Road Safety Agency resigned

Daniela Ortiz, Executive Director of the National Road Safety Agency (ANSV). The official resigned from her position

The National Road Safety Agency will register changes in its leadership in the next few hours, six months after the arrival of the new Government. The Executive Director of the organization, Daniela Ortizresigned from his position, in the midst of a management rearrangement, which involves modifications in almost all areas.

Ortíz made his resignation available this Monday, June 10, although he will remain in charge of the area in charge of preventing road accidents while he assumes his replacement, which would be officially defined in the coming days, according to what he learned. Infobae.

The news occurred, coincidentally, on a significant date for the ANSV. This Monday is commemorated in Argentina National Road Safety Day. In this context, a meeting took place between representatives of the government agency and the Civil Association Mothers of Pain, which brings together relatives of victims of road accidents. Despite the importance and specific weight of the aforementioned Non-Governmental Organization, given his career, Ortiz was not part of that meeting.

The departure of the official is linked to the series of movements that took place in the Executive Branch after the resignation of the Chief of Staff, Nicolas Posse, as this media learned. With the former coordinator of ministers out of the Executive, numerous areas reprofiled their management imprint, with the consequent change of names. That was the case of the ANSV.

The meeting between the ANSV and Madres del Dolor took place at the area’s facilities. Vivian Perrone, its owner, attended the meeting in which figures on the current problem were disseminated. She was received by the Secretary of Transportation of the Nation, Franco Mogetta, who highlighted the visit of the representatives of the NGO. “We talked about the enormous work they do to promote public policies that prevent road accidents,” the official said after the meeting.

In fact, according to the information collected by the organization in Argentina, in the year 2023, 12 people died per day in road accidents, according to annual statistics prepared by the Road Statistics Directorate of the ANSV Road Observatory.

Franco Mogetta, Secretary of Transportation, and Vivian Perrone, head of Madres del Dolor met this June 10, on National Road Safety Day

“To change this reality, the organization proposes, in the short and long term, and based on precise and reliable data, to implement public policies that generate fewer deaths and injuries. Road accidents in Argentina are a problem. This reality indicates that serious and adequate measures must be taken that are based on reliable and accurate data,” the national organization announced.

In turn, the ANSV highlighted the importance of the information provided by the provinces. “They are the key to implementing prevention, awareness, education and control strategies and actions, aimed at reducing road accidents and their consequences,” they indicated.

The official 2023 statistics (although they are still partial and preliminary) reflect that 4,369 people died in 3,642 road accidents throughout the national territory. Of this total, it appears that the largest number of deaths were motorcyclists, with 4 out of 10 of the fatalities (40%). In regions such as the NOA and the NEA, the mortality of motorcyclists increases to 58% and 59% of the total victims, respectively.

Secondly – they added -, the type of user with the most victims were those who traveled by car (25%), followed by pedestrians (10%). Regarding age range, 38% were people between 15 and 34 years old and, according to gender, 75% were men.

Regarding the characterization of fatal road accidents, 53% were due to collisions, 12% due to overturns and 11% due to pedestrian collisions. 46% of road events occurred on routes (mostly national) and according to the time zone, they happened in almost equal percentages, both during the day and at night.

“These data are the result of coordinated work with the provinces, and allow us to have demonstrable sources and a methodology with scientific rigor. These are partial and preliminary data, which are publicly accessible and available to all citizens on the national organization’s website,” the Agency highlighted.

and In conclusion, they review: “Road accidents are a multifactorial phenomenon that can occur due to the recklessness of drivers, the poor condition of the roads, the distraction of those behind the wheel and the lack of knowledge about safe driving. or, by a combination of all of this. The solutions, for their part, require the commitment of national, provincial and municipal organizations, in addition to the active participation of civil society organizations and the media. Only with the intervention of this multiplicity of actors together will it be possible to raise awareness in society, prevent accidents and reverse these worrying numbers.”

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