Bullrich congratulated an officer from the Río Negro Police, after the attempted usurpation in El Bolsón

On Saturday the Río Negro Police prevented a group of around 30 people usurp land in El Bolsón, where the Province reported that “under the directives of prosecutor Álvaro Verbori and without using violence, the uniformed officers intervened in the episode, after the complaint was filed by communal authorities.” This episode rHe received congratulations from the Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich.

“We are changing the security paradigm in Argentina,” Bullrich emphasized in a publication that he distributed through the social network X (formerly Twitter), accompanied by a video showing the negotiation.

It happened on Saturday on a private property on Las Heras and Miguel Andén streets in El Bolsón, where two people were detained and taken to the police unit. Their cell phones were seized to determine their participation in the usurpation attempt.

The procedure was carried out by personnel from the 12th police station of El Bolsónaccompanied by members of the Motorized Support Brigade (BMA) and members of the detachments of the Villegas and Mallín Ahogado areas.

“There is a need that dates back many years in El Bolsón,” said Mayor Bruno Pogliano.

In dialogue with RÍO NEGRO RADIO, the communal chief of El Bolsón, Bruno Poglianoadmitted that “there is a need that dates back many years in El Bolsón, which has to do with those people who cannot access land.”

However, he clarified that beyond mobilizing in response to the need “Nothing justifies committing a crime and occupation is a crime.”

He also added that “there is a need that dates back many years in El Bolsón that has to do with those people who cannot access land, us through Procreate that was attempted to be taken, 250 lots will emerge, which will be added to the 96 lots of Urban Land, we are working to find solutions.

Pogliano also assured that «more and more families need access to land or housing; and in El Bolsón there is a high cost which makes this possibility difficult. But ultimately nothing justifies committing a crime of usurpation.

The communal chief also congratulated the Police and in particular the officer “who has done an impeccable job that can be seen in the videos and also the recognition of Minister Patricia Bullrich and the President of the Nation, for correct action, above all things.

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