The Entre Ríos Energy Committee was formed – Paralelo32

The Entre Ríos Energy Committee was formed – Paralelo32
The Entre Ríos Energy Committee was formed – Paralelo32

The governor of the province, Rogelio Frigerio, accompanied by the Secretary of Energy, Noelia Zapata, led the first meeting to form the Entre Ríos Energy Committee. Through this, the aim is to create a joint and articulated work agenda to think and develop strategies that transform and enhance the energy matrix of the province.

In this regard, the Secretary of Energy stated: “We have participated in the formation of this Committee, convened by our governor Rogelio Frigerio, with the purpose of analyzing the current scenario regarding the energy development of Entre Ríos, considering energy, whether gas or electrical, as a fundamental point for the productive, social development and growth of our province”.

“Currently there is a growing demand, which the Ministry of Energy listens to carefully, from the different productive sectors of our province. However, due to years of disinvestment in the energy matrix, they cannot be addressed and solved immediately,” he said. the official

And he added: “It is important for us to sit down and analyze this, so we greatly highlight the participation of all the actors in this Energy Committee where, together, we assume the commitment to seek the best solutions for the development of Entre Ríos.”

The president and Argentine delegate to the Mixed Technical Commission (CTM) of Salto Grande, Alejandro Daneri, accompanied by his technical team, participated in this first meeting; the Legal and Technical Secretary, Esteban Vittor; the trustee of Enersa, Iván Kerr; and the president of Enersa, Ignacio Bergallo. In turn, the director of Administration of the Ministry of Energy, Santiago Henderson, was present; the director of Electrical Development, Damián Scopetta; the coordinator of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency, Damián Pascal; the EPRE auditor, Juan Zacarias; and the Manager of Enersa, Jorge Tarchini.

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