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Oswaldo Ríos and Israel LM Elizondo talked about the local results, where the Green Party won the Senate of the Republic, 13 of 15 local deputies and 29 of 58 mayoralties

By: Daniel Rocha

The recent federal and local elections have generated extensive debate and a series of divergent opinions regarding the results obtained. These elections have been of particular interest due to the political importance of the results obtained. Given this, The orchestra interviewed analysts Oswaldo Ríos Medrano and Israel LM Elizondo to find out their position on the repercussions that the election day of June 2 may bring at the local and federal level.

The results of the election day in San Luis Potosí, after which the Green Party emerged as the big winner of the elections, since they won the Senate of the Republic, six of seven federal districts, 13 of 15 local districts, 19 mayoralties in coalition and 10 separate municipal presidencies. Added to this, Oswaldo Ríos pointed out that this is an example of the “populist and popular” government headed by Ricardo Gallardo Cardona.

However, Ríos Medrano revealed that he sees a problem in the San Luis Potosí State Congress, the Chamber of Deputies and the Chamber of Senators, since the “Let’s Keep Making History” coalition, made up of Morena, the Green Party and PT, achieved the most members, “the risk is that they could fall into totalitarianism, “It is a danger for San Luis Potosí because they have a majority of legislators without parliamentary experience, for the majority it will be their first time in an important political position.”

For his part, Israel Elizondo assured that the representations at the local level in the entity are even more flattering than those achieved at the federal level, in addition to indicating that this ratifies the Green Party as the first political force in San Luis Potosí.

Likewise, LM Elizondo assured that it should not be a problem for the 4T to obtain a majority in the local and federal legislatures, since the will of the people would have to be respected, “I do not fall into these alarming speeches about the end of the democracy or Northern Venezuela. “It is a majority that we have there, but voted democratically.”

Regarding the issue of the election for the capital’s mayor in which Enrique Galindo Ceballos managed to be the first re-elected municipal president in the history of San Luis, Ríos Medrano mentioned that this is the emergence of a new political force which he named as “ Galindismo”; He added that the capital mayor It is the best profile that the opposition has to confront the Green Party in the face of the 2027 government elections.


LM Elizondo cataloged the result of the San Luis Potosí City Council election as a “mirage”referring to the fact that the majority of the votes obtained by Galindo Ceballos were thanks to the National Action Party (PAN) and not by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which nominated him.

Regarding the defeat of Sonia Mendoza, Ríos Medrano indicated that: “The change in his party takes a very high toll on him.”all her life she was a member of the National Action, it generated a cost for her, there is another cost which is in gallantry, she came from supporting Xavier Nava to be a candidate for governor, who was the most anti-gallardista candidate and that generated distrust with the most gallardista candidates.”

Meanwhile, Israel Elizondo assured that if the gallantry and members of Morena had not had the internal conflicts in San Luis Potosí, Sonia Mendoza would have made things more complicated for Galindo Ceballos.

In relation to the results obtained by the contest for the presidency of the Mexican Republic, Elizondo commented that the victory of Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo puts the country in “stellar times” for its academic and political preparation.

On the other hand, Oswaldo Ríos said that despite the insecurity, the shortage of medicines and corruption that have been presented during the six-year term of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, millions of citizens gave their support to Morena’s project.

Also read: Gallardo urges deputies to legislate on chemical castration and abortion

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