Crimes with the greatest social connotation have fallen by 11.9% in the Prefecture of Viña del Mar so far this year – Radio Festival

Crimes with the greatest social connotation have fallen by 11.9% in the Prefecture of Viña del Mar so far this year – Radio Festival
Crimes with the greatest social connotation have fallen by 11.9% in the Prefecture of Viña del Mar so far this year – Radio Festival

So far this year, crimes with the greatest social connotation have decreased by 11.9% in the Prefecture of Viña del Mar. This was announced this Monday in a new session of the Tactical Police Operation System (STOP) of the Carabineros of Chile, in which the Regional Public Security Coordination of the Undersecretary of Crime Prevention also participated.

The instance reported that, between January 1 and May 26 of this year, there have been 6,013 police cases for crimes in the prefecture, 810 fewer compared to the same period in 2023.

When analyzing the information by type of crime, the main decreases recorded were rapes (-18.4%), homicides (-15.4%), robberies (-15.3%), robberies (-11 .9%) and injuries (-4.1%).

Regarding the figures for each of the three police stations that include the prefecture, the 1st Police Station of Viña del Mar registered the most significant decrease in crimes with the greatest social connotation with a decrease of -18.3%, which It means that so far in 2024, 559 fewer cases have occurred compared to 2023.

The second largest decrease took place in the 4th Police Station of Concón —which involves the communes of Concón, Quintero and Puchuncaví—, where crimes with the greatest social connotation decreased -12.6%, which is equivalent to 220 fewer police cases.

Finally, the 5th Police Station of Viña del Mar presented a decrease of -1.5% in the number of crimes, with 31 fewer police cases compared to the same period in 2023.

It is important to mention that the drop in crimes with the greatest social connotation in the prefecture has been sustained over time, since in the last 28 days police cases dropped -12.5%, while in the last week of the period analyzed they dropped -12.5%. they did at -25%.

Óscar Balcarce, regional coordinator of Public Security of the SPDhighlighted the decrease in these crimes and pointed out that it responds to a series of actions that the Government has taken to support the municipalities and the police. “The regional inspection plan and the incessant work of Carabineros, the Regional Presidential Delegation and the municipalities are giving good results that have been maintained in recent months, so we will continue this path of intersectoral work so that the community perceives these figures and “You can develop your life with more security.”said.

During the STOP session, various commitments were also established to continue deepening the reduction of crimes in the three units of the prefecture, among them, strengthening preventive patrols in the areas and times with the highest concentration of crimes, reinforcing mixed patrols with municipal security teams within the framework of the OS14 agreement, carry out preventive campaigns, and have personnel from both the Carabineros-Community Integration Model (MICC) and the Police Investigation Service (SIP).

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