15 people injured in explosion in Barbacoas, Nariño

15 people injured in explosion in Barbacoas, Nariño
15 people injured in explosion in Barbacoas, Nariño

A total of 15 people injuredincluding three minors, left the batteries of a solar panel complex exploding in events recorded last Sunday night in the rural area of Barbecues, Nariño.

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The accident occurred in the middle of a religious celebration in the Imbangui village of the municipality in the southwest of the country.

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In this regard, the community spokesperson told the Blu Radio station that the solar panel system provided power to the internet network in the village, when it suddenly went out. produced a blackoutn, and when the power returned, the overload was recorded, which apparently caused the pop.

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The most seriously injured, which are the three minors and a woman, were sent to a hospital in Tumacoalso in Narino. The others suffered burns and injuries from shrapnel.

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