Unprecedented gesture of coexistence of the Government with the CGT and the UIA in Geneva, with the presence of a son of Hugo Moyano

Unprecedented gesture of coexistence of the Government with the CGT and the UIA in Geneva, with the presence of a son of Hugo Moyano
Unprecedented gesture of coexistence of the Government with the CGT and the UIA in Geneva, with the presence of a son of Hugo Moyano

Gerardo Martínez speaks at the event in Geneva in front of Julio Cordero, Daniel Funes from Rioja, Carlos Foradori and Hugo Antonio Moyano (on the left, with a beard)

In Geneva, Switzerland, an unprecedented event took place this Monday gesture of political coexistence of representatives of the Government and unionism in the midst of the fierce battle they are maintaining in Argentina: a tribute to those who fell in the Malvinas united the Secretary of Labor, Julio Cordero, with the Secretary of International Relations of the CGT, Gerardo Martínez, and the head of the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA), Daniel Funes from Rioja, and even participated Hugo Antonio Moyano, Secretary of the Coordination of Legal Affairs of the Federation of Truck Drivers, one of the sons of the union leader and brother of Pablo Moyano, the staunchest opponent of Javier Milei in the union ranks.

The event, which took place within the framework of the International Labor Organization (ILO), was the reverse side of the anti-mileist climate that predominated last week in the union delegation that participates in the organization’s annual conference and coincided, not coincidentally, with the arrival last Saturday of Cordero, who maintains good relations with all union leadership after his previous stage as a labor lawyer at Techint and vice president of the Social Policy Department of the UIA.

As anticipated Infobae, The Secretary of Labor will speak this Tuesday before the member countries of the ILO with a speech that will aim to not respond in the same terms the harsh accusations of the CGT and the two CTA against the Government to try to build bridges towards unionism. And, at the same time, will probe union leaders to join a tripartite dialogue that he wants to inaugurate in Buenos Aires, with ILO involvement as guarantor of the negotiations.

Julio Cordero achieved an unexpected photo in Geneva in the middle of the fight between the Government and the CGT in Argentina

In a sort of prelude to this possible stage of dialogue, significant in light of the fight that exists in Argentina, Cordero managed to gather this morning in Geneva to the highest representatives of the trade union and business delegations of Argentina to provide a tribute to those who fell in the Malvinas war and carry out a vindication of the sovereignty of our country over the islands.

At the event, which was opened by the ambassador Carlos Foradori, representative of Argentina before international organizations, a minute of silence was held for the victims of the war conflict in 1982 and then they spoke Cordero, Martínez and Funes de Rioja. Among those present were union members such as Cristian Jerónimo (glass), aligned with Moyanism, but the attendance of Hugo Antonio Moyano, labor lawyer and leader of the Federation of Truck Drivers, one of the sons of the union leader, Hugo Moyano, and brother of Pablo Moyano, the most tenacious opponent of Milei, who, without the endorsement of the CGT, promoted a mobilization before Congress in order to pressure the senators who will debate the Bases Law that day. Also surprising was the participation of Walter Correa, Buenos Aires Minister of Labor and head of the Tanners’ Union, one of the leaders most closely linked to Cristina Kirchner. In addition, the Minister of Labor of Santa Fe attended, Roald “Coco” Báscolo, sent by Governor Maximiliano Pullaro.

The representatives of the three sectors starred in this gesture of coexistence after the speech he gave Funes de Rioja, as a member of the employer sector, before the ILO assembly. His speech had a moderate tone towards unionism. It began with a ratification of the “commitment to advance effective tripartite social dialogue in the search for consensus that can then be reflected in our own countries” and then highlighted that in Argentina there are “a clear and urgent need for economic stabilization that you should also take into account the sustainability of companies so that employment can be stabilized, especially SMEs, in a balanced macroeconomic framework that promotes investment and the generation of quality employment.”

Trade unionists such as Héctor Daer, Gerardo Martínez, Hugo Godoy and Roberto Baradel, among others, ended up at the ILO singing “La Patria no se vende”, a slogan against Javier Milei

The head of the UIA highlighted his coincidences with the speech given by the director general of the ILO, Gilbert Houngbo, who spoke of “the need for periodic updating of social agreements to respond to the evolution of circumstances, both political and institutional, as well as economic and social”, in addition to addressing “the new labor realities to adapt to the development of new skills and trades that are required, together with the adaptation of the regulations for a modernization of labor relations.”

In that sense, he pointed out that the UIA had raised this issue in its White Paper to “provide answers to the challenge of the requirements of a new work ecosystem and of formalize those who are not formalized today.” “This double challenge requires advance agendas that Argentina has not yet resolved -he added-. Labor fines, litigation, the disproportionate judicial indexations, non-salary labor costs that affect productivity and competitiveness as the backdrop to this panorama. Our country has not only high labor informality but also tax informality, above 35% and a long stagnation of our economy and, therefore, of our employment.”

“In parallel, while we address these agendas – considered Funes de Rioja -, we also we have to work for the future. The instances of education and vocational training, as we have already said by virtue of new technologies, are essential. Workers, businessmen and governments have to make the change that values ​​employability. As the Director-General (of the ILO) pointed out in his recent appeal to give priority to social justice.”

Daniel Funes from Rioja criticized union blockades against companies when speaking before the ILO

By quoting again the speech of Houngbo, the president of the UIA stated: “We must strengthen labor institutions and organizations so that social dialogue is effective.” and it is necessary to review the laws and regulations that affect the labor market so that they are relevant and up to date with a view to protect workers and promote sustainable companies.”

At the end of his speech, Funes de Rioja highlighted that “another issue that is currently under discussion is the limits on the right to strike, which clearly must take into account the figure of harassment and violence of ILO Convention 190, already ratified. for Argentina.” That was when he mentioned that this agreement is double via, well Plant blockades or the impossibility of entering or exiting an establishment also violate constitutional rights such as property rights, the right to exercise any legal industry, and freedom of movement. and of job”.

“Respect by governments and the actors themselves for the fundamental conventions and those ratified such as the aforementioned 190 They have and may have to be a tripartite commitment, because respect for the rules is an unquestionable budget for social dialogue to be effective and conducive”, concluded the director of the manufacturing entity.

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