Milei is torn between the fear of looking weak and supporting the Pettovello and Mondino scandals

Milei is torn between the fear of looking weak and supporting the Pettovello and Mondino scandals
Milei is torn between the fear of looking weak and supporting the Pettovello and Mondino scandals

Javier Milei had to start backing down in his ways towards the Cabinet. The popularized “outside” of him was suspended for a while. The president needs to show governability and leave the word “weakness” aside. The shock of ousting his Chief of Staff does not give him any more leeway. It happened first with Sandra Pettovello and now with Diana Mondino. The President chose to sustain the unsustainable and support them even in the face of scandals that put him on the ropes.

The crisis with Mondino

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The last event happened on Friday. The head of state had a day of fury against his Chancellor because he did not warn him that the Palestinian ambassador was going to be at an event. He found out two blocks before, he turned around with the car and went back to the Casa Rosada. According to him he was able to find out The uncovering, Milei became angry and had very harsh words. (nobility obliges: quite rightly) for the very serious mistake of its Minister of Foreign Affairs. He was going to throw her out. He wanted to say goodbye to her. He was justified. It was an open secret until this Monday.

There is no longer anyone in the Government who supports Mondino after that mistake and everyone recognizes that “he is outside”but The President is not going to fire her at the moment. He left her outside the G7, where the foreign ministers of the countries always tend to attend. It was because of the scandal on Friday. And also, Karina Milei kept a part of Mondino’s Ministry.

The President’s sister will take charge, in the General Secretariat of the Presidency, of the former Exportar Foundation, an investment promotion agency that until now depended on the Foreign Ministry. It was the way Milei found to punish Mondino. He is going to support her, but it is a matter of days before she is expelled from the Government. It is the same modus operandi that she had already been using with Pettovello.

Clinging to Pettovello

It is known about the friendship and very intimate relationship between Milei and the Minister of Human Capital, who some days sleeps in the presidential villa in Olivos, according to records from the Military House disseminated by various media outlets. But the President made the same decision: sustain the unsustainable.

Pettovello wants to leave the Government two weeks ago, but Milei won’t let her. He makes every attempt to maintain it. A Chief of Staff and two ministers in less than a month would be lethal for the Libertarian Government. El León needs to show that there is governability, that officials who do not work will work and that they are also a brake on the intentions of those who want to appoint ministers and occupy places from outside. “I can’t believe that Macri wants to keep the Human Capital box,” joked a very high government advisor last week in dialogue with The uncovering. He knows that there is something true behind that joke.

What do they read in the Government? If Milei gives in and starts firing ministers who are at the end of their ministerial life, the former president with his troupe will follow. And two of the three members of the small table don’t want anything to do with that idea. For this reason, Milei had to leave her “outside” for a while, as happened with Guillermo Ferraro (Minister of Infrastructure) and Posse, and support ministers involved in serious scandals, with diplomatic paperwork and acts of corruption in the middle.

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