She entered Chango Más de Chimbas and wanted to leave without paying: she was detained

She entered Chango Más de Chimbas and wanted to leave without paying: she was detained
She entered Chango Más de Chimbas and wanted to leave without paying: she was detained

On Friday, June 7, 2024, in the afternoon, a San Juan police officer, who was on additional duty, detained a woman at the Chango Mas supermarket in Chimbas, as she tried to take several products without paying, including a bodice. This Monday, there was a hearing in the Special Flagrant System, in which Karen Fernanda Valdez, the detainee in the case, was charged with the crime of attempted theft.

Valdez attempted to leave the business premises without paying a single peso for some of the merchandise products that he previously stole from the gondola area. But at 5:43 p.m. that Friday, when she was in the checkout line, officer Martín Villalba interviewed her, because she had been acting suspiciously.

Without offering any further resistance, the woman confessed her crime and began to take out various products from her clothes and her bag, about 20 in total, which she took without paying for them. Among them a bra, cleaning and beauty products.

The woman was charged with attempted theft after being brought before a judge of the Special Flagrancy System. Finally, the hearing held this Monday, June 10, 2024, in which Valdez was sitting in the dock, went to an intermission due to connection, according to spokespersons for the Public Prosecutor’s Office. The prosecutor in the case is Adrián Riveros.


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