110 social leaders trained in equity and non-discrimination

110 social leaders trained in equity and non-discrimination
110 social leaders trained in equity and non-discrimination

The participants presented their initiatives within the framework of a pedagogical fair, an activity where they could present their projects and demonstrate the viability and potential impact of their initiatives.

A total of 110 people from different social groups who lead projects for the Afro-descendant ethnic groups and communities of Magdalena, La Guajira and Cesar completed training in equity and non-discrimination under the #EducationWithSocialJustice strategy, an educational alliance between the National Open and Distance University (UNAD) and the Vice Presidency of the Republic.

This is the most inclusive education project in the country, which began in 2023 with the purpose of generating processes of social and cultural transformation in the regions of Colombia with an impact on more than 6,100 people from different areas of the country.

In this second phase of the project, the participants had the opportunity to train in three education processes: Diploma “Root transformations, anti-racism and non-discrimination”, Course “Formulation and structuring of social investment projects with an ethnic focus” and the Course “Differential ethnic approach.”

During this weekend, participants from the municipalities of Santa Marta, Cali, Bogotá, Valledupar, Leticia, Popayán and Santander de Quilichao successfully celebrated the closing of the course on “Formulation and structuring of social investment projects with an ethnic focus.”

The participants presented their initiatives within the framework of a pedagogical fair, an activity where they were able to present their projects, following the logical framework methodology, which provided them with a demonstration of the viability and potential impact of their initiatives that transform realities.

“With #EducationWithSocialJustice we manage to empower leaders in projects that transform their realities, and especially, that strengthen the capacities and skills of the participants so that they can present themselves to different funding bodies that enable the execution of their initiatives,” said Carolina Hernández, project director.

In turn, Carlos Castillo, participant in the Course “Formulation and structuring of social investment projects with an ethnic focus” thanked the training, highlighting that it was a pleasant experience through a training process with an implemented methodology that provided them with tools that they did not have to project formulation. “We have received basic and essential tools to be able to propose alternatives and solutions for the development of our communities,” he stressed.

For his part, José Fernando Daza, narrated his experience as a teacher of the training process: “This was a very enriching experience where through five sessions we were able to work on the proposed topics and methodologies. With great satisfaction we completed the course in which the participation of indigenous and Afro communities stood out. These training spaces are very important for the development of communities, especially those that are far from the center of the country.”

It is worth mentioning that these projects are not only a testimony of the learning acquired, but also a sample of the transformative potential of education in communities. The next closures will take place on June 15 in: Istmina, Cúcuta, San Andrés and Bogotá.

id: twenty-one

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