Transportation Revolution

Transportation Revolution
Transportation Revolution

Mr. Principal:

The recent announcement by the President, Gabriel Boric, in the Public Account that in 2025 the cities of La Serena, Coquimbo, Ovalle, Valparaíso, Tiltil, Lota, Coronel and Osorno will have electric buses, and that Copiapó will become the first city of South America, with 100% of its fleet made up of electric buses, represents a transcendental milestone on the path towards sustainable mobility and care for the environment.

We view this news not only with enthusiasm, but as a validation of our commitment to the development of clean and efficient technologies. The transition towards more responsible transportation with a lower carbon footprint is essential to face the environmental challenges that our society faces today.

The deployment of electric buses in these cities not only contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, but also promotes a healthier and more livable urban environment. This advancement is a key opportunity to transform public transport, making it not only greener, but also more efficient and profitable in the long term.

For this revolution in transportation to be truly effective and sustainable, the active participation and commitment of the public, private world and citizens is crucial. Collaboration between government and private companies can drive technological innovation and ensure the investment needed for infrastructure and maintenance. At the same time, citizens play an essential role, not only adopting and supporting these new forms of mobility, but also participating in the commitment to continuous improvement of transportation services.

The experience of Santiago, which has the largest fleet of electric buses outside of China, with around 2,000 buses, is an inspiring example. We firmly believe that the integration of these technologies into the Chilean public transportation infrastructure is a crucial step to meet sustainability objectives and improve people’s quality of life.

Ignacio Urcelay


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