“We agree that it is necessary”: the block of JxC councilors supports the pact called by Azcué – News

“We agree that it is necessary”: the block of JxC councilors supports the pact called by Azcué – News
“We agree that it is necessary”: the block of JxC councilors supports the pact called by Azcué – News
The councilors of the ruling party issued a statement this Monday about the call made by Mayor Francisco Azcué.

“From the Block of Councilors Together for Entre Ríos we accompany Mayor Dr. Francisco Azcué in the call for the “July Pact”, in which the different Institutions, political parties and all those from Concordia who want to join forces are invited to participate. move our city forward,” said the councilors.

They then added: “We agree that it is necessary and following the line that has been developing in the rest of the country, even at the national level, to establish this political and social agreement, in which we consolidate and agree on the most important points on which “We must work to achieve a common objective: to design and reaffirm State policies based on dialogue, which allow us to transform the reality of our city, which hurts us so much.”

“This is not about incorporating new actors into the government, much less about forging a new electoral alliance, but about reaching a programmatic agreement in which our differences are put aside to channel ourselves under the same objective, because it is time to raise a same flag: that of our beloved Concordia,” the councilors concluded.


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