Joint negotiations in Río Negro: without offer, the ATE, UPCN and Unter unions expressed their anger

The state unions They left empty-handed at the restart of the joint elections in Río Negro. The representatives of ATE and UPCN did not receive any salary offer and they went into an intermediate room until next Wednesday to continue with the negotiation.

As he was able to establish Rio Negro Newspaper During the meeting, government representatives indicated that The official priority is to guarantee salaries for the current month and the payment of the half bonus.

The last agreement was in mid-April when The increases were sealed with fixed sums for that month and May, The latter was reflected in the salaries that the state employees collected last week.

Unter: “We denounce the irresponsible actions of this Ministry”

Negotiations took place at the Ministry of Labor between the representatives of Unter and the authorities of the Ministry of Education, where the union rejected the fourth intermission next Wednesday.

“In a joint meeting called at a late date, we denounce the irresponsible actions of this Ministry that calls on workers to discuss without a salary proposal, actions that translate into great setbacks that have a strong impact on the workers’ pockets,” the union stated. teacher.

Education and Unter in Work negotiation. Photo: Marcelo Ochoa.

“It is irresponsible for this Ministry to appear at a joint hearing without a proposal in line with what we Education workers are asking for, which is not to fall below the poverty line,” said the general secretary of Unter, Silvana. Inostroza.

He added that “we have not had any response to the requirements that we put forward that have to do with correcting distortions that occurred in our last salary as a result of the last joint agreement, the change from the 30,000 non-remunerative pesos to remunerative ones as was the commitment of the joint agreement. November 2023, the accurate response for teacher mobility and that the salary be a percentage.

Inostroza also stated that the rejection of the restart of the intermission quarter also has to do with a late call and that on Friday the Congress is convened in Villa Regina “which we will carry out and define with or without a salary proposal what are the actions to follow ».

Joint negotiations without progress: what UPCN said

After the frustrated meeting, UPCN indicated that “we reject the lack of salary proposal from the public service meeting” and also “the insistent call for a joint Public Health table, salaries already have a space for debate.”

The union was forceful: “We are fed up with the government’s lies and deceptions.”

They also advanced that, “If they do not comply with the transfer of non-remunerative sums, we are going to go to court, considering that there is already a precedent from the Supreme Court with a ruling against the payment of non-remunerative sums by employers and that it be expanded, determining the unconstitutional status of that instrument.

«For too long, we have been victims of empty promises, now as we always have, “We demand percentage increases.” they maintained from the union.

ATE’s reaction: “We declare ourselves free of action to define the measures that are necessary”

The State Workers Association (ATE) and reacted to the lack of salary offer from the Government and declared freedom of action to define force measurements.

“It is not good for the Government to arrive at a joint meeting without an offer because it delays time”said Rodrigo Vicente, general secretary of ATE after the meeting chaired by Tania Lastra, Secretary of Public Function.

“We demand a Bimonthly salary offer with increases in June and Julywhich exceed the poverty line and allow the deterioration of all public sector salaries to be avoided,” said the union member.

He added that in the face of this situation: “we declare ourselves free of action to define the measures that are necessary for the purposes of reject an adjustment on state income.

ATE also demanded an increase in all additional and overtime hours for school janitors.the change to a contract for full-hour workers, an increase in the Guard and the Senaf and Human Development Operator bonus.

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