Installation of the Departmental Transitional Justice Committee in Nariño promotes Territorialized Action Plan

With the participation of young people, municipal authorities of Policarpa, Leiva, Cumbitara, El Rosario and Taminango, Ministry of the Interior, ARN, Ombudsman’s Office and the Victims Unit, the Government of Nariño installed the expanded Departmental Committee of Transitional Justice for the adoption of the Territorialized Departmental Action Plan for the Nariñense Mountain Range, within the framework of Law 1448 of 2011.

Each of the actions were socialized during a 3-day day, in which a team from the Government Secretariat, Undersecretary of Peace and Human Rights and victim liaisons from the municipalities of the La Cordillera region, advised by representatives of control organizations and human rights defenders, reflected each of the needs in the territories, as a result of the consequences left by the armed conflict; In this way, projects were formulated for the PAT Territorial Action Plan, in the execution of the Departmental Development Plan and the recovery of faith with the institutions; Likewise, the creation of the first Management of La Cordillera was announced, which will be located in the municipality of Policarpa, to provide care directly, decentralizing the Government and improving the capacity for project execution.

Within the PAT, different minimum humanitarian commitments were stipulated in regions that are part of the PDET and ZOMAC municipalities, the strengthening of the agricultural sector for the transformation of illegal crops, the inclusion of the reincorporated population and the dissemination of recruitment prevention campaigns. forced on girls, boys and adolescents.

Source and photo: Government of Nariño


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