The Men’s Care Device turns six years old

It has been operating since 2018 as a space for those who need to review their relationship practices marked by the exercise of violence.

The Male Care Device (DAV), dependent on the Secretariat of Emergencies and Risk Management, has been operating uninterruptedly for six years. Its main objective is to work with men over 16 years of age involved in situations of gender-based violence.

The Secretary of Emergencies and Risk Management, Luciana Ortiz Luna, highlighted that “it is essential that the State supports and promotes these spaces that are of utmost importance for healthy and equitable construction.”

This device has been in operation since 2018 as part of laws 2,785 and 2,786, which involve family and gender-based violence, respectively. The technical team works with and accompanies men in the process of unlearning violent behaviors, seeking to build healthier bonds based on respect and providing self-control tools that allow them to resolve conflict situations.

Methodology and scope

The focus of the device is group, through weekly workshops in which topics such as Gender Roles and Socialization, Masculinities, Paternities, Parenting, Childhood and Dating Violence, among others, are addressed. Since its creation, more than 700 men have passed through the DAV, participating in 20 groups, both in initial and in-depth stages.

The DAV does not work with men reported for sexual abuse or accused of femicide, and there are currently 60 situations in the admission process, with five groups in operation and another three under monitoring.

Expansion and access

In these six years, a second headquarters was created in Villa La Angostura to deepen the work started in Neuquén capital, extending its reach to towns such as Plottier, Centenario, Senillosa, San Patricio del Chañar, and to some Rio Negro towns such as Cipolletti, Fernández Oro, Allen, Cinco Saltos and Las Perlas.

Access to the device can be done by spontaneous demand, requesting an appointment by phone at 299-6030760 or in person, Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Carlos H Rodríguez 90, ground floor. It can also be accessed through a judicial process.

“The commitment of the Neuquén government to the DAV reaffirms its dedication to creating a more just and equitable society, where healthy relationships are promoted and gender violence is combated from the roots,” concluded the provincial official.

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