Two members of the Comunes Party were murdered

Two members of the Comunes Party were murdered
Two members of the Comunes Party were murdered

Two members of the Comunes party were murdered in Valle del Cauca, it was learned that the two men had belonged to the extinct FARC guerrilla

The victims are José Elver Giraldo Villada, social and political leader, and Luis Fernando Rivera Noscué, signatory of the Peace Agreement and Peace Councilor.

The two members of the Comunes party were murdered in isolated events in Valle del Cauca.

Giraldo Villada, who was also a member of the Association of Peasant Workers of Valle del Cauca, was murdered in the San Rafael district, municipality of Tuluá.

It should be noted that with the death of Villada there are 78 social leaders murdered in Colombia so far in 2024.

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The crime occurred when Luis Fernando Rivera Noscué was near the main park of the municipality of Florida. Armed men shot him. Although they took him to a hospital, he died due to the severity of his injuries.

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Noscué, who was a signatory of the Peace agreement between the FARC and the National Government, in 2016.

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