The Pachencas claim that the murder of an Army non-commissioned officer was an “accident” and they blamed the Petro Government

On Saturday, June 8, a non-commissioned officer of the National Army, identified as Luis Felipe Ramírez Perdomo, He was murdered at the hands of members of the Conquering Self-Defense Forces of the Sierra Nevada (ACSN), also known as Los Pachenca.

This Monday, June 10, the criminals read a statement in which they took credit for this murder, which they described as an “accident.”

“We want to inform you that it is not our purpose to enter into confrontations nor fight the State, since this happened accidentally, where that patrol arrived where our troops were doing routine searches. When we notice their presence we stop them and They react by activating their weapons and the accident occurs.“, they initially indicated in a statement.

Finally, They stated that they are not, supposedly, a criminal gang or drug trafficker.

“We are a political-military organization raised in arms and lines of command made up of people from the same region who have suffered the scourge of war in times past. Our troops remain active to face any threat from the Gulf Clan or guerrillas“, they concluded in the statement.

Criminals from Los Pachenca, while reading the statement after the death of the non-commissioned officer. | Photo: Video screenshot of Los Pachenca

According to information from the National Army, the murder of the first corporal occurred on Saturday at around 4:15 pm, at a time when the non-commissioned officer was traveling aboard a motorcycle with a professional soldier through the area initially mentioned. for the extraction of one (1) captured who would be a member of Los Pachenca, when they were attacked with bullets.

As for the professional soldier named Jorge Luis Acevedo, he was injured. The National Army rejected the murder of the first corporal.

“We reject the murder of our first corporal Luis Felipe Ramírez Perdomo of the @COL_EJERCITO, while he was protecting the inhabitants of the department of Magdalena. Members of the illegal group Los Pachenca are responsible for this criminal action. Our solidarity with his family, friends and colleagues at this difficult time. “Military operations continue to affect the criminal structures of this group,” the Army indicated on Saturday.

The president also asked for everything to fall the weight of the Law against those responsible for these events that generate anxiety among the community.

“I have spoken with the commander of the First Division of the National Army, General Royer Gómez, about the operations carried out by his men in the rural area of ​​Santa Marta, Quebrada del Sol sector, belonging to the district of Guachaca, in which unfortunately he lost the life of a non-commissioned officer of our glorious @COL_EJERCITO, allegedly at the hands of the criminal group ACSN,” said Mayor Pineda through his account on X.

Criminal groups have plagued several regions of the country. | Photo: getty
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