The drama behind the boy stabbed by his father in Chivilcoy: Justice had released the murderer 2 days before the crime

The drama behind the boy stabbed by his father in Chivilcoy: Justice had released the murderer 2 days before the crime
The drama behind the boy stabbed by his father in Chivilcoy: Justice had released the murderer 2 days before the crime

Itan was 8 years old (Gaceta del Oeste)

Last Saturday, Itan, only 8 years old, He asked his mother to let him be with his father, Roberto Javier Quiroz, to spend the weekend with him. The previous days in the family had not been easy. The man had been detained in his house in the Buenos Aires city of Chivilcoy the previous Thursday for violating a perimeter order that prevented him from approaching his ex-partner, which caused him to spend less than 24 hours under arrest.

Despite the situation, the woman agreed to the child’s request and authorized him to stay with his father. The next afternoon, just two days after being released by the Justice of Mercedes, Quiroz was going to kill Itan with four stab wounds and then take his own life.

The explanation for the horrendous attack is still a mystery, although investigators believe they understand the motives for the murder, whose origin would hide behind a family drama which originated several years earlier.

Judicial sources indicated to Infobae that the incident occurred on Sunday afternoon in a field located at the intersection of streets 9 and 102, an area of ​​villas and with very few inhabitants. Quiroz – who was dedicated to being a delivery driver – and his son arrived at that place on a motorcycle.

The place where he killed the baby

From one moment to another, The man stabbed the boy twice in the neck and twice in the heart. Itan died on the spot. A few minutes later, after telling a neighbor what he had done, the murderer hanged himself with a rope and he also died.

Arturo Pertosa, Secretary of Security of Chivilcoy, spoke with this medium about what happened last Sunday and provided some details of the couple’s history that could explain the fatal outcome. According to the official, The first complaint by Itan’s mother against Quiroz was made in November 2018. On that occasion, Justice excluded him from the home due to verbal violence.

“There were never complaints of physical violence. There are no injuries. Then, on August 15, 2020, this situation was repeated and they again prohibited him from approaching. However, it was a relationship in which they went back and forth all the time. They held meetings. It was a toxic relationship.“Pertosa told Infobae.

Finally, last Thursday, June 6, Quiroz was arrested again for an altercation with his ex-wife in which he disobeyed the perimeter order. They took him to the Mercedes Courts, he declared, he was detained for less than a day and on Friday they released him.

Police at the scene

Since Quiroz did not have his own home and could not go to his ex and Itan’s house, he stayed at his parents’ home. The boy, upon knowing that his father had already been released, asked to be with him.

“The mother, since the perimeter was in force, sent the child with the aunt to Quiroz’s house. The boy stayed to sleep at his paternal grandparents’ house with his father. The next day, after eating, the man said that he would go out for a ride on the motorcycle with Itan. That’s where it all happened“said the Secretary of Security.

The autopsy confirmed the four stab wounds that the man inflicted on the minor. Then, according to the investigation, Quiroz went to the closest house he found and told a neighbor what he had done.

“I was completely nervous. He came to the corner shouting ‘I killed my son’. The owner attends to him and tells his daughter to call the police without Quiroz realizing it. Then, she accompanies him to the scene and confirms the child’s death. The murderer told him ‘I killed my son, kill me, I don’t want to go to prison, kill me,'” the official said..

The neighbor told him to wait for him there, that he would go get the car to take him to get help. However, the situation became even more serious. Itan’s father, desperate, took a rope he had with him, tied it to a tree and hanged himself. When the police arrived, they found the two bodies. That of Itan covered in blood and that of Quiroz Sr. hanging but with an even more gruesome detail: he was bare-chested and had burns.

Upon observing the scene, the Buenos Aires troops realized that the motorcycle on which father and son had arrived was on fire. Two hypotheses are used. The first is that he tried to set the motorcycle on fire, he burned himself and then he took his life. The other is that he first wanted to commit suicide by throwing himself on the burning vehicle and when he couldn’t, he used the rope..

One of the villas in the area

For now, everything is the subject of an investigation by the Functional Instruction Unit No. 4 of the Mercedes Judicial Department and the Chivilcoy Prosecutor’s Office. The classification of the file is homicide and investigation of the causes of death.

“There is something that would be practically clarified and that is that It was something premeditated. “He took the baby to a remote place, took the rope and the gun and carried out the plan,” concluded Pertosa.

Sources with access to the investigation indicated to this medium that The probable motive for the incident is that Quiroz did not want his son to live with his mother anymore. The approach restriction order that weighed on Quiroz did not include his son: only his wife.

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