This is how the night shift changes and other articles approved in the debate

The debate on the labor reform was resumed on the morning of this Tuesday, June 11, in the Seventh Committee of the House of Representatives and resulted in 23 of the 98 articles approved, of which 7 were endorsed during the day.

Thus, the legislature approved a first block of articles without propositions, which means that They were approved without the need for additional debate.

Representative Andrés Forero tried to stop the debate.

Some of them are articles 2, 3, 11, 21, 23, 30, 33, 37, 42, 45, 56, 57, 58 and 59, which include the changes to the night shift, which would start at 7:00 pm and not at 9:00 pm, as well as the payment of 100% of the surcharges during Sundays and holidays in which the worker must fulfill their duties.

Like the indefinite employment contract and the termination of the contract for just cause. The text also refers to issues such as the protection of workers on digital platforms and the creation of a more robust labor inspection system.

It is worth mentioning that this Tuesday, articles 29, 31 and 32 of said bill were approved with 12 votes in favor and 6 against.

The Seventh Commission of the House of Representatives must advance the approval of the labor reform and aims to vote on it in the first debate before June 20. | Photo: Ministry of Labor

During the day, the elimination of articles 5, 46 and 47 of the articles was also voted on, as requested by representative Andrés Forero, who tried to stop the debate as a result of the strike carried out by employees of the Ministry of Labor, but this idea was only supported by 8 congressmen and 10 opposed.

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